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Biology版 - Re: mammalian transgene expression
请问:基因5’UTR 长度一定会大于25bp吗?(设计Mopholino antisense oligomer)求推荐:runx2/runx3 transgenic expression mouse line
premRNA也有polyA tail么?能同时表达3个或以上的基因的mammalian expression vector
关于RNA intron, Exon的2个困惑How to detect low abundance gene expression by qPCR
What is advantage and disadvantage of intronless genes包子求 这里有人买过Origene的expression ready cDNA clone么? 准确性如何?
请教高手们一个knockin的问题,用cDNA和fulllength genomic DNA 有那些考究News: Mammalian microRNAs predominantly act to decrease target mRNA levels
double knockout mice求一篇paper
请推荐 mammalian expression system关于alternative splicing
ChIP-qPCR control primer求设计knockin-bac transgenic的同学帮帮忙
话题: intron话题: expression话题: transgene话题: globin话题: mammalian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1084
for a long time people already know that the presence of an intron will
signicantly increase the expression level of genes. the classic example is
beta-globin. w/o intro its cDNA barely expresses in cells. with an intron
even an irrelevant intron (insulin intron for example) it expresses at very
high level. you may wanna search with key word "intron, expression (beta-globin)
but i don't know much what's the situation in transgenic mice though.
发帖数: 941
yeah apparently beta-globin transgene expression is intron-dependent,but other
genes maybe not, actually my lab and another lab in the same floor each got a
transgenic mice line with desired expression level w/o adding any introns.
I'm using the same vector pTRE as they did,maybe not that risky, should I add
an intron to my construct??


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: for a long time people already know that the presence of an intron will
: signicantly increase the expression level of genes. the classic example is
: beta-globin. w/o intro its cDNA barely expresses in cells. with an intron
: even an irrelevant intron (insulin intron for example) it expresses at very
: high level. you may wanna search with key word "intron, expression (beta-globin)
: but i don't know much what's the situation in transgenic mice though.

发帖数: 1084
gee, poly(A) will contain an intron? you mean 3' UTR ba. there
are some commerical available vectors containing an intron. as
far as i know they usually put the intron at 5'UTR. coz you have
to pay attention to NMD. when you put an intron at 3'UTR it
becomes a classic example of NMD if your intron locates more than
50-55nt downstream of the stop codon.

【在 C******n 的大作中提到】
: yeah apparently beta-globin transgene expression is intron-dependent,but other
: genes maybe not, actually my lab and another lab in the same floor each got a
: transgenic mice line with desired expression level w/o adding any introns.
: I'm using the same vector pTRE as they did,maybe not that risky, should I add
: an intron to my construct??
: (beta-globin)
: put
: in
: the

1 (共1页)
求设计knockin-bac transgenic的同学帮帮忙请教高手们一个knockin的问题,用cDNA和fulllength genomic DNA 有那些考究
HELP: a weird thing about genotypingdouble knockout mice
[关键词:果蝇 技术 挑战] 如何最大化果蝇基因表达?请推荐 mammalian expression system
qPCR来鉴定lncRNAChIP-qPCR control primer
请问:基因5’UTR 长度一定会大于25bp吗?(设计Mopholino antisense oligomer)求推荐:runx2/runx3 transgenic expression mouse line
premRNA也有polyA tail么?能同时表达3个或以上的基因的mammalian expression vector
关于RNA intron, Exon的2个困惑How to detect low abundance gene expression by qPCR
What is advantage and disadvantage of intronless genes包子求 这里有人买过Origene的expression ready cDNA clone么? 准确性如何?
话题: intron话题: expression话题: transgene话题: globin话题: mammalian