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Biology版 - a new postdoc position available at Duke University for br (转载)
Position available at Duke University for brain tumor stud北卡的张毅也要做optogenetics了
postdoc postion availableTwo postdoctoral fellow position available in UTSouthwestern Medical Center
GFP or luciferase or others?神经领域做epigenetics的大牛都有谁啊? (转载)
请教一个gene epigenetic state的问题关于nuclear transfer有几个小白的问题
急问epigenetics和drosophila development哪个比较好?Postdoc opening at Vanderbilt to study cancer epigenetics
Epigenetics - let's dig a bigger hole询问一个关于肿瘤免疫的问题
epigenetics和获得性遗传?求Cancer Epigenetics, Stem Cells方向审稿机会!
当年米丘林的遗传学不就是现在说的epigenetic嘛Postdoc position in Molecular Genetics/Epigenetics, 老板又牛又好的
话题: duke话题: university话题: brain话题: research话题: tumor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 92
【 以下文字转载自 Carolinas 讨论区 】
发信人: ganbo (niu), 信区: Carolinas
标 题: a new postdoc position available at Duke University for br
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 16 10:56:49 2011, 美东)
发信人: ganbo (niu), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: a new postdoc position available at Duke University for brain tumor study
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 16 10:55:59 2011, 美东)
Our lab is part of the Robert Preston Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University. We are seeking Postdoctoral Fellow(s) immediately to start new projects dedicated to understanding pediatric brain tumors, employing biochemical and epigenetic approaches. Ideal candidates will be self-driven individual with strong motivation, aspiring to undertake necessary tasks in order to advance pediatric brain tumor treatment.
Individuals with training in the fields of molecular biology/biochemistry and cancer/ developmental biology will be eligible. Backgrounds in epigenetics research, mouse ES cell and transgenic/knockout mouse models, or protein biochemistry will be a great plus. We provide a friendly, fun and stimulating research environment. Only individuals who truely love and enjoy biomedical research are encouraged to apply. Please submit your resume and a cover letter high-lighting your research interest, future career goals, and references to: y*******[email protected].
1 (共1页)
Postdoc position in Molecular Genetics/Epigenetics, 老板又牛又好的急问epigenetics和drosophila development哪个比较好?
新进博士,正在选择offer,求大神指点Epigenetics - let's dig a bigger hole
请问大牛们谁对growth factor stimulation有研究吗?epigenetics和获得性遗传?
小公司能申请H1B么? (转载)当年米丘林的遗传学不就是现在说的epigenetic嘛
Position available at Duke University for brain tumor stud北卡的张毅也要做optogenetics了
postdoc postion availableTwo postdoctoral fellow position available in UTSouthwestern Medical Center
GFP or luciferase or others?神经领域做epigenetics的大牛都有谁啊? (转载)
请教一个gene epigenetic state的问题关于nuclear transfer有几个小白的问题
话题: duke话题: university话题: brain话题: research话题: tumor