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Biology版 - 有想法的学生,薄厚都可以去试试。应该是不错的机会。--不过最好可以先搞清楚知识产权的归属问题。
[分享] Research Commercialization Introductory Course (Free, 11/14/13-12/12/13)求助:Unique ID of Microarray by Affymetrix
请问如果自己有一个很好的gel配方,这个可以申请专利么?Re: ask a question of paper submission
paper help!问个stable cell line with multiple color的问题
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请问有用过OriGene的Trilencer-27 Human siRNA的同学吗?包子请教: 可以随行李携带commercial药品回国吗?
现在看出来给地球上每个人unique id的重要性了脑的工作原理
话题: business话题: ip话题: graduate话题: plan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 84
Business Plan Competition
•The Licensing Executive Society Foundation 2012 International
Graduate Student Business Plan Competition registration has started.
Graduate students, including MS/MBA/MD/JD/PhD and postdoctoral scholars,
from across the globe are invited to register http://les2012.istart.org to participate in the 2012 LES Foundation Graduate Student Business Plan Competition, which uniquely focuses on business plans that include an overview of IP assets and describe how those assets will be managed and commercialized to achieve business goals. Student teams will compete to win expenses-paid trips to the Final Round of Competition at the LES (USA & Canada) Spring Meeting in Boston, MA, May 15-17, where they will attend educational sessions, mingle with global IP leaders and compete for the $10,000 Grand Prize and valuable in-kind prizes or the $5,000 Global Award. Runner-up teams receive $1,000. Students receive comprehensive feedback throughout the process from IP business leaders who share valuable expertise earned in the trenches of businesses ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
发帖数: 5970

【在 y****h 的大作中提到】
: Business Plan Competition
: •The Licensing Executive Society Foundation 2012 International
: Graduate Student Business Plan Competition registration has started.
: Graduate students, including MS/MBA/MD/JD/PhD and postdoctoral scholars,
: from across the globe are invited to register http://les2012.istart.org to participate in the 2012 LES Foundation Graduate Student Business Plan Competition, which uniquely focuses on business plans that include an overview of IP assets and describe how those assets will be managed and commercialized to achieve business goals. Student teams will compete to win expenses-paid trips to the Final Round of Competition at the LES (USA & Canada) Spring Meeting in Boston, MA, May 15-17, where they will attend educational sessions, mingle with global IP leaders and compete for the $10,000 Grand Prize and valuable in-kind prizes or the $5,000 Global Award. Runner-up teams receive $1,000. Students receive comprehensive feedback throughout the process from IP business leaders who share valuable expertise earned in the trenches of businesses ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

1 (共1页)
脑的工作原理paper help!
请问谁熟悉small scale continuous centrifuge?请问有用过OriGene的Trilencer-27 Human siRNA的同学吗?
关于antagomir的问题现在看出来给地球上每个人unique id的重要性了
[分享] Research Commercialization Introductory Course (Free, 11/14/13-12/12/13)求助:Unique ID of Microarray by Affymetrix
请问如果自己有一个很好的gel配方,这个可以申请专利么?Re: ask a question of paper submission
话题: business话题: ip话题: graduate话题: plan