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Biology版 - Is microbiology OK for industry job in the future?
chem转bioengineering,如何?Biomedical Engineering, tissue engineering 前景到底如何啊?
Graduate Assistantship (MS or PhD) Available (转载)看看这样的水平还有希望吗,有文章11篇
帮我老婆找个工作Postdoc Position in Synthetic Biology/Microbiology
[请教] Molecular Microbiology Vs mBio这个暑假有去MBL summer course的同学吗?
请推荐reviewPostdoc position on Biomaterials, Cell/Tissue Engineering,
招聘 癌症免疫治疗Postdoc(ZT)U of Minnesota Postdoc Position in Biomaterials, Stem Cells, and Tissue Regeneration
Postdoc position (Microbiology and Immunology)4th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues
求推荐微生物实验室有多少人进1%了? (转载)
话题: ok话题: industry话题: chinese话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 53
Sorry for not typing Chinese, I am in the library.
school background: in the south, 130+ in biological sciences, Chinese Female
AP, no phd student graduate in the lab. Project studies which genes affect
some physiological function of a pathogen. That pathogen made big news last
I contacted Chem Eng. in the school, but they do not take MS students, so
dead end on this track.
Then I contacted a PI doing food chem in food science dept, but I am not
sure on this either.
There is a bioengineering dept doing biomaterials and tissue engineering,
but I have no background on either material engineering or tissue culture,
so I guess I will leave it for the last to try out.
Therefore, if I have no choice but stay in my current lab. Then I gotta
design some project myself which can be related to the industry. And I know
my boss would do little on this because that's not what she wants me to do.
So, I wish to ask you all talents: Is this path OK for going to the industry
Thank you all, wish you all a happy Long year!
发帖数: 53


【在 f***y 的大作中提到】
: Sorry for not typing Chinese, I am in the library.
: school background: in the south, 130+ in biological sciences, Chinese Female
: AP, no phd student graduate in the lab. Project studies which genes affect
: some physiological function of a pathogen. That pathogen made big news last
: year.
: I contacted Chem Eng. in the school, but they do not take MS students, so
: dead end on this track.
: Then I contacted a PI doing food chem in food science dept, but I am not
: sure on this either.
: There is a bioengineering dept doing biomaterials and tissue engineering,

发帖数: 421
1 (共1页)
有多少人进1%了? (转载)请推荐review
这人牛不?招聘 癌症免疫治疗Postdoc(ZT)
找博后啊找博后,怎么决定呢?谢谢大家先Postdoc position (Microbiology and Immunology)
请问PLOS Pathogens审稿速度如何?求推荐微生物实验室
chem转bioengineering,如何?Biomedical Engineering, tissue engineering 前景到底如何啊?
Graduate Assistantship (MS or PhD) Available (转载)看看这样的水平还有希望吗,有文章11篇
帮我老婆找个工作Postdoc Position in Synthetic Biology/Microbiology
[请教] Molecular Microbiology Vs mBio这个暑假有去MBL summer course的同学吗?
话题: ok话题: industry话题: chinese话题: so