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Biology版 - Re: 富士康技工面试:文化成绩太好了被淘汰 (转载)
不想做博后了,怎么办?Re: membrane potential
辞职转行做PlumberStem cell research
Re: progenitor cell and stem cell有什么不同MCBJC(Neurogenesis/adult neural stem cell)
求解...简单的Tissue Culture遇到难题Re: progenitor cell and stem cell有什么
版上有没有人养smooth muscle cell的?博士后老张致前妻书
我觉得肿瘤干细胞是个错误的假说paper help: Differentiation. 2009 Feb;77(2):115-20 THANKS
关于adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells刚开始做myoblast新手一问:G0/G1 arrest对分化究竟有多大影响
research associate professor 是个什么东西?刚开始做myoblast新手一问:G0/G1 arrest对分化究竟有多大影响
话题: he话题: plumber话题: professor话题: minus话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 Xibei 讨论区 】
发信人: gshjj (6/26/1968), 信区: Xibei
标 题: Re: 富士康技工面试:文化成绩太好了被淘汰 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 15 21:29:42 2012, 美东)
发信人: coalpilerd (coal pile), 信区: Joke
标 题: Re: 富士康技工面试:文化成绩太好了被淘汰 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 14 19:32:03 2012, 美东)
The Professor and the Plumber

One professor of mathematics noticed that his kitchen sink at his home
broke down. He called a plumber. The plumber came on the next day, sealed a
few screws and everything was working as before. The professor was delighted
. However, when the plumber gave him the bill a minute later, he was shocked.
"This is one third of my monthly salary!" he yelled. Well, all the same
he paid it and then the plumber said to him: "I understand your position as
a professor. Why don't you come to our company and apply for a plumber
position? You will earn three times as much as a professor. But remember,
when you apply, tell them that you completed only seven elementary classes.
They don't like educated people."
So it happened. The professor got a plumber job and his life
significantly improved. He just had to seal a screw or two occasionally, and
his salary went up significantly.
One day, the board of the plumbing company decided that every plumber
has to go to evening classes to complete the eight grade. So, our professor
had to go there too. It just happened that the first class was math. The
evening teacher, to check students' knowledge, asked for a formula for the
area of the circle. The person asked was the professor.

He jumped to the board, and then he realized that he had forgotten the
formula. He started to reason it, he filled the white board with integrals,
differentials and other advanced formulas to conclude the result he forgot.
As a result he got "minus pi times r square".
He didn't like the minus, so he started all over again. He got the minus
again. No matter how many times he tried, he always got a minus.
He was frustrated. He looked a bit scared at the class and saw all the
plumbers whisper:
"Switch the limits of the integral!!"
发帖数: 627
1 (共1页)
刚开始做myoblast新手一问:G0/G1 arrest对分化究竟有多大影响版上有没有人养smooth muscle cell的?
Linguistic Evolution我觉得肿瘤干细胞是个错误的假说
请教细胞培养高手和干细胞分化的内行(adipocyte differeniation)关于adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells
参加过aiche的同仁们来说说research associate professor 是个什么东西?
不想做博后了,怎么办?Re: membrane potential
辞职转行做PlumberStem cell research
Re: progenitor cell and stem cell有什么不同MCBJC(Neurogenesis/adult neural stem cell)
求解...简单的Tissue Culture遇到难题Re: progenitor cell and stem cell有什么
话题: he话题: plumber话题: professor话题: minus话题: got