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Biology版 - Does anybody play CIV 4?
Re: about RNARACE求助!!
Re: 请问用什么方法证明蛋白与蛋白的直接作用?(ZT) 2008中国百篇最具影响国际论文(生物类)
How to analyze the interaction between two RNA molecules?miRNA id和miRNA family id
请教:如何灵敏检测 40-50 nt viral RNAFaculty Positions RNA Research University Albany
miRNA作为突触信号分子paper help again!
土问:怎样提高two Oligo ligation的效率?请问大家对long noncoding RNA 领域有什么看法
请问QIAGEN的miRNeasy Mini Kit能否用于提去植物的microRNA啊Why lenti can package large pro-virus DNA
话题: his话题: boss话题: bible话题: does话题: civ
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1190
I played it a lot, and I love the tech quotes...
Oh biochemists, pray that your non-specific bands be clean and your specific
bands clear. – Virgil
It is entirely seemly for a young biologist killed in his experiment to lie
mangled by broken test tubes and spilled reagents. In his death all
experiments start to work. – Homer
Give a man a knockout mouse and you fool him for a project. Teach a man to
knockout mice and you fool him for a lifetime. - Lao Tzu
I am the PI thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. - The Bible,
Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of Evolution.-
The Boss bless you and keep you; the Boss make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you; the Boss lift up His countenance upon you and give
you a project. - The Bible, Numbers
Put your hands into the gloves. – Aesop
Genetic engineering has the power to both destroy and heal. When genetic
engineering is both true and kind, it can change our world. - The Buddha
To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, so that PIs should not
harm postodocs. - Hammurabi's Code; Prologue
All the cell's a stage, and all the proteins and DNAs, RNAs merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances; And one protein in his time plays
many parts.- William Shakespeare
More data is generated as the results of more experiments which are carried
out to explain more data. -UNKNOWN
Polymerase chain reaction is the most powerful force in the universe. -
Albert Einstein
We will make RNA-seq so cheap that only the rich lab will do microarray. -
Thomas Edison
As to graduate students make a habit of two things - to help, or at least,
to do no harm. – Hippocrates
To every enzyme there is always opposed another enzyme. - Isaac Newton
The only thing worse than apoptosis is no apoptosis. - Oscar Wilde
发帖数: 189
NB!!! HL?
发帖数: 1190
what's HL?

【在 c********r 的大作中提到】
: NB!!! HL?
发帖数: 189
I thought you were one friend of mine, he used to play a lot and developed
some MODs for it...
发帖数: 1190
I also developed some MODS, but never released them...
It's a lot of fun.

【在 c********r 的大作中提到】
: I thought you were one friend of mine, he used to play a lot and developed
: some MODs for it...

1 (共1页)
Why lenti can package large pro-virus DNAmiRNA作为突触信号分子
有没有文章可以参考:从rna-seq 结果研究long non coding rna的变化?土问:怎样提高two Oligo ligation的效率?
怎样分析一个lncRNA水平在疾病中上调或者下降的机理?请问QIAGEN的miRNeasy Mini Kit能否用于提去植物的microRNA啊
Re: about RNARACE求助!!
Re: 请问用什么方法证明蛋白与蛋白的直接作用?(ZT) 2008中国百篇最具影响国际论文(生物类)
How to analyze the interaction between two RNA molecules?miRNA id和miRNA family id
请教:如何灵敏检测 40-50 nt viral RNAFaculty Positions RNA Research University Albany
话题: his话题: boss话题: bible话题: does话题: civ