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Biology版 - fossilized ancient plant
请推荐 plant 专业的杂志update 气坏了,放射性做得好就该老做吗?
Nature又准备搞Plants子刊了Statistical Geneticist at Kaiser
nature plantshow to separate denatured proteins from native proteins
Please help on a paperHA抗体的argarose conjugate在-20度冻了之后会有什么后果?
Nature: Archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberiathe number of articles in certain subjects can reflect which subject is more focused.
NASA scientist finds evidence of alien lifeabout 云彩: I have no idea what you folks are talking abou
【包子答谢】标题修改:Histone and Protein Acetyltransferases: Rising Ancient Counterparts to Protein KinasesGenetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part II)
而organic food贵是因为它不预支环境的承载力,是对地球负责遇到一个奇怪的collaborator
话题: fossilized话题: ancient话题: plant话题: back话题: bring
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16092
i accidentally found a rock with a fossilized ancient plant
(looks like fern) when i was reflecting on the meaning of
life on a remote beach a few weeks ago, it was too big and heavy
to bring it back, so I just buried it and marked its place.
Does anybody know if it is worth something or not? I will go
back with a cart and bring it back if it is. looks like this
is the best place to ask,thax.
发帖数: 28562

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: i accidentally found a rock with a fossilized ancient plant
: (looks like fern) when i was reflecting on the meaning of
: life on a remote beach a few weeks ago, it was too big and heavy
: to bring it back, so I just buried it and marked its place.
: Does anybody know if it is worth something or not? I will go
: back with a cart and bring it back if it is. looks like this
: is the best place to ask,thax.

发帖数: 16092
thanks, man, tried to google it but could not find the answer.

【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 如果是普通的植物化石的话,大概能够在ebay卖个几百块吧
: 如果是珍稀的植物也许就比较值钱了,但是我们不知道什么是珍稀什么不是。

发帖数: 16092
i accidentally found a rock with a fossilized ancient plant
(looks like fern) when i was reflecting on the meaning of
life on a remote beach a few weeks ago, it was too big and heavy
to bring it back, so I just buried it and marked its place.
Does anybody know if it is worth something or not? I will go
back with a cart and bring it back if it is. looks like this
is the best place to ask,thax.
发帖数: 28562

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: i accidentally found a rock with a fossilized ancient plant
: (looks like fern) when i was reflecting on the meaning of
: life on a remote beach a few weeks ago, it was too big and heavy
: to bring it back, so I just buried it and marked its place.
: Does anybody know if it is worth something or not? I will go
: back with a cart and bring it back if it is. looks like this
: is the best place to ask,thax.

发帖数: 16092
thanks, man, tried to google it but could not find the answer.

【在 s******y 的大作中提到】
: 如果是普通的植物化石的话,大概能够在ebay卖个几百块吧
: 如果是珍稀的植物也许就比较值钱了,但是我们不知道什么是珍稀什么不是。

发帖数: 525

【在 k**********4 的大作中提到】
: i accidentally found a rock with a fossilized ancient plant
: (looks like fern) when i was reflecting on the meaning of
: life on a remote beach a few weeks ago, it was too big and heavy
: to bring it back, so I just buried it and marked its place.
: Does anybody know if it is worth something or not? I will go
: back with a cart and bring it back if it is. looks like this
: is the best place to ask,thax.

1 (共1页)
遇到一个奇怪的collaboratorNature: Archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia
做植物研究有发展吗?好友说这辈子他估计就做植物了NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life
phylogenetic tree【包子答谢】标题修改:Histone and Protein Acetyltransferases: Rising Ancient Counterparts to Protein Kinases
Postdoc Interview 之后而organic food贵是因为它不预支环境的承载力,是对地球负责
请推荐 plant 专业的杂志update 气坏了,放射性做得好就该老做吗?
Nature又准备搞Plants子刊了Statistical Geneticist at Kaiser
nature plantshow to separate denatured proteins from native proteins
Please help on a paperHA抗体的argarose conjugate在-20度冻了之后会有什么后果?
话题: fossilized话题: ancient话题: plant话题: back话题: bring