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Biology版 - Does anyone has access to paper: J Neurosci Methods. 1991 Mar;37(1):15-26.
How long does it take for J of Neurosci reviewing a paper?请推荐一些探讨生物领域大方向的书或者论文
问个Nature子刊transfer manuscript的问题Re: discussion 1: 5 best journals in your area
未来5年没有CNS的人就不要想做faculty了Re: neuroscience vs ethology
paper help - Curr Protocol NeuroscienceRe: 3 sciences one year- a chinese professor
Postdoc/research associate position in Neuroscience-electr太牛X了
包子求一篇文章 Current Protocols in NeuroscienceRe: 大侠请推荐 神经 的教科书
For advice: Is there a way of effectively injecting dye into a cell under cell-attached mode?some biology research journal IFs
Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the PerforRe: need your suggestions and help ,pls!
话题: methods话题: does话题: mar话题: neurosci话题: access
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 92
Does anyone has access to the following paper?
J Neurosci Methods. 1991 Mar;37(1):15-26.
Low access resistance perforated patch recordings using amphotericin B.
Rae J, Cooper K, Gates P, Watsky M.
Could you send me a copy to a******[email protected]
Thank you very much for your help!
Happy New Year!
发帖数: 3142
发帖数: 92
Many thanks. I got the article.
Wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and a prosperous new year!
1 (共1页)
Re: need your suggestions and help ,pls!Postdoc/research associate position in Neuroscience-electr
饶毅帮中国发的CELL很漂亮,总结一下周末读书心得包子求一篇文章 Current Protocols in Neuroscience
Top120 Scientific Journals (ISI 2003)For advice: Is there a way of effectively injecting dye into a cell under cell-attached mode?
饶毅对《自然》关于达赖喇嘛报道的回应Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Perfor
How long does it take for J of Neurosci reviewing a paper?请推荐一些探讨生物领域大方向的书或者论文
问个Nature子刊transfer manuscript的问题Re: discussion 1: 5 best journals in your area
未来5年没有CNS的人就不要想做faculty了Re: neuroscience vs ethology
paper help - Curr Protocol NeuroscienceRe: 3 sciences one year- a chinese professor
话题: methods话题: does话题: mar话题: neurosci话题: access