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Biology版 - "影响因子"对科学的摧残
有学者和团体正式呼吁抛弃“影响因子”了Science Signaling 杂志定位怎么样?
PloS Biology and Plos ONE IF?PNAS VS JCB?
调查一下,一般大家博士毕业的时候都有几篇一作的文章?PNAS 最近跟其他杂志频频过招,结果完胜告终!
何去何从?我亲爱的生物老公有内行注意到干细胞领域超~新星 Cedric Blanpain么?
话题: jif话题: journal话题: scientific话题: cell话题: dora
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发帖数: 191
来自Medical Daily的一则消息:
Scientific Insurgents Say "Journal Impact Factors" Distort Science
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, or DORA, put forward
18 recommendations for change in the scientific culture.
An international declaration was published today calling for the scientific
community to eliminate the role of Journal Impact Factor (JIF) in evaluating
research for funding, hiring, promotion, and institutional effectiveness.
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The call for new standards gives voice to more than 150 prominent scientists
and 75 scientific groups, including journal editors, publishers, and
scholars from around the world, who are hoping to improve the ways in which
the outputs of scientific research are evaluated. What began as an "
insurrection" against the JIF, as one publisher put it, has turned into a
wider reconsideration of scientific assessment.
The declaration is timed to coincide with editorials published in journals
the world over, including an endorsement from Bruce Alberts, Editor-in-Chief
of Science magazine in the journal's May 17th issue. Other endorsers of the
declaration include the editors of Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Traffic,
Genetics, eLife, Journal of Cell Science, Aging Cell, Molecular Biology of
the Cell (MBoC), BioArchitecture, The EMBO Journal, Journal of Cell Science,
Journal of Surfactants & Detergents, Cell Structure & Functions, Lipids,
Genes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, and Development, among others.
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, or DORA, can be read
and signed at its official website, where a full list of signatories can be
found as well. DORA was framed by a group of journal editors, publishers,
and others convened by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) last
December in San Francisco, at the society's annual meeting. The group agreed
that JIF has become an obsession in science. JIF ranks scholarly journals
by the average number of citations their articles attract in a set period.
The problem with JIF is that it warps the scientific process, including how
research is conducted, reported, and funded, the group said. The DORA
statement published today includes 18 recommendations for change in the
scientific culture, at the level of the individual scientist, publishers,
institutions, funding agencies, and bibliometric services. Instead of
focusing on the JIF value, DORA would have scientists and organizations pay
closer attention to the content of research, and matching that content with
the appropriate audience, regardless of publication value.
Although a variety of metrics exist that rank scientific publications, the "
two-year" JIF is the oldest and most influential. The two-year JIF is the
average number of citations received in a year per paper published in a
given journal, during the two preceding years. This means that the earliest
a new journal can have a JIF is the end of its third full year of
Originally, the JIF, created by Eugene Garfield, was used in the 1950s as a
subscription-buying tool for academic and medical librarians. It was
published by Garfield's Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Today,
the JIF appears once per year in Journal Citation Reports, as part of the
Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Knowledge. The JIF is widely misused, and
treated as powerful proxy for scientific value when it shouldn't be, said
the DORA framers. The JIF has become especially powerful in China, India,
and other nations emerging as global research powers.
"It's maddening," said David Drubin, Editor-in-Chief of ASCB's journal
Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC). "This is a metric that really drives a
lot of traffic. You really see it most clearly when you travel to foreign
countries and I especially see it with my foreign postdocs. They only want
to publish in journals with high impact factors."
Another problem with JIF is that because it is based on the mean number of
citations per article, rather than the median, a blockbuster article can
have a disproportionate affect on a journal's rating, said Bernd Pulverer,
Chief Editor of the EMBO Journal.
"My favorite example is the first paper on the sequencing of the human
genome," Pulverer said. "This paper, which has been cited just under 10,000
times to date, single-handedly increased Nature's JIF for a couple of years."
"The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) was developed to help librarians make
subscription decisions, but it's become a proxy for the quality of research,
" said Stefano Bertuzzi, ASCB Executive Director. "Researchers are now
judged by where they publish not by what they publish. This is no longer a
question of selling subscriptions. The 'high-impact' obsession is warping
our scientific judgment, damaging careers, and wasting time and valuable
The declaration's 18 recommended changes are intended to create "a change in
the culture where people will choose the journals that they publish in not
on the prestige but on the fit," said Drubin. "Is the format correct? Is the
audience correct? Does the editorial board have the appropriate expertise?"
A difficult change, Drubin said, but a necessary one, vital to the
integrity of scientific self-assessment.
As for his role in the JIF insurrection, Drubin said, "For me, it was just a
matter of when enough is enough."
1 (共1页)
有内行注意到干细胞领域超~新星 Cedric Blanpain么?现在海归什么价?
is it difficult to get published in MCB?准备投稿了,求推荐journal
Nature Communication影响因子能超过Nature专业子刊吗?何去何从?我亲爱的生物老公
有学者和团体正式呼吁抛弃“影响因子”了Science Signaling 杂志定位怎么样?
PloS Biology and Plos ONE IF?PNAS VS JCB?
调查一下,一般大家博士毕业的时候都有几篇一作的文章?PNAS 最近跟其他杂志频频过招,结果完胜告终!
话题: jif话题: journal话题: scientific话题: cell话题: dora