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Biology版 - GMOs aren't the problem. Our industrial food system is
法国学者发现白老鼠吃转基因玉米后患上巨大肿瘤ztGaetan Burgio组发文炮轰NgAgo
这期Nature Biotechnology上关于转基因的文章Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part I)
关于转基因食品-请生物牛牛们扫盲Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part II)
我也说说转基因作物Harmful Effects of the Agent
Biofuels future and criticism (转载)superbug和GMO
求教高手:转基因小鼠的疑问?回neverthink :关于转基因作物的最后一贴
Sanford-Burnham Medical Institute 怎么样,大家说说致美国总统欧巴马的公开信 (转载)
貌似又被老板给晃点了Question about the regulation of genetically modified organism (GMO)
话题: gmos话题: our话题: johnson话题: nestle话题: aren
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 472
Some quotes from the article:
As I write these words, I know that some readers will dismiss them. Many are
thoroughly convinced that there is a conspiracy afoot to suppress the news
that GMOs are destroying our health. They are not interested in what science
has to say, if it contradicts their preconceived ideological position. But
I urge those who are interested in learning more to take a look at Nathaniel
Johnson's frightfully smart series of articles on GMOs in the online
environmental publication Grist.
Johnson, a green journalist in good standing and no corporate shill,
concludes, after exhaustively combing through the science, that genetically
modified foods are safe. Or as safe as anything is nowadays. He says:
"I'm much more comfortable feeding my daughter Bt corn than corn sprayed
with organophosphates, that's for sure."
There are a whole lot of dangers out there. People are becoming obese in
record numbers from quaffing refined foods and sugary drinks. Diabetes rates
are soaring. Heart disease, osteoporosis, even certain types of cancer are
on the rise, arguably at least in part because of our nutrient poor diets.
But nobody has yet demonstrated that GMOs make us sick.
I also interviewed Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition and public health
at New York University who is known as an outspoken critic of America's
food system. She told me:
"I'm trained in molecular biology and have a hard time thinking that [GMOs]
will make people sick."
What Nestle worries about are not GMOs, so much as the chemical-intensive
farming methods used to grow them.
1 (共1页)
Question about the regulation of genetically modified organism (GMO)Biofuels future and criticism (转载)
GMO 大米丑闻上了FOX NEWS和NBC等多家英文报纸求教高手:转基因小鼠的疑问?
版上的生物大牛们,关于过敏请教~~ (转载)Sanford-Burnham Medical Institute 怎么样,大家说说
法国学者发现白老鼠吃转基因玉米后患上巨大肿瘤ztGaetan Burgio组发文炮轰NgAgo
这期Nature Biotechnology上关于转基因的文章Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part I)
关于转基因食品-请生物牛牛们扫盲Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's Analysis of the Issues (Part II)
我也说说转基因作物Harmful Effects of the Agent
话题: gmos话题: our话题: johnson话题: nestle话题: aren