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Biology版 - postdoc ad - genetic research of kidney
[got]求文献一篇 Current Protocols in Molecular Biology大家一起来读主流杂志吧[遗传进化方向]希望每周更新
Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately如何检测一个基因的genome copy number
FW: Postdoc Position请教一个CRISPR-CAS9的问题
Human Genome Engineering TechniquesNature系列刊物2013论文当年被引用5强名单
请问各大侠,zinc finger array还有市场不?基因打靶新进展?
CRISPR-Cas9 应用到in vivo 了吗?CRISPR会不会取代 RNAi呢?
关于Genome edit这方面CRISPR/Cas9 小鼠文库
话题: research话题: kidney话题: diseases话题: michigan话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16729
A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the lab of pediatric
nephrology in the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
The postdoctoral fellow will be working on projects using in vitro cell
culture and rodent models to study renal glomerular function and related
diseases. The research projects involve the generation of transgenic cell
lines using the CRISPR Cas9 system; generation and maintenance of rodent
models of kidney diseases, characterization of molecular and cellular
phenotypes of cultured cells and various animal models and testing
pharmacological agents on kidney disease models.
The postdoctoral fellow will receive training in skills in performing lab
research, developing an independent research program and writing scientific
research articles and proposals. The salary and benefits are commensurate
with experiences and qualifications according to University of Michigan
policies. UM has an extensive and collaborative community on kidney research
Highly motivated candidates with excellent training in biological and
related sciences (molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, etc.) are
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have excellent research skills in,
molecular and cell biology and be interested in developing new research
techniques and ideas.
Qualified applicants should send a cover letter describing their past
research accomplishments, future research interests and career aspiration
along with a CV and contact information of 2 referees to:
Edgar Otto, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases
University of Michigan Medical School
1150 W Medical Center Drive
8240 Medical Science Research Building 3
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5646
Email: [email protected]
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1 (共1页)
CRISPR/Cas9 小鼠文库请问各大侠,zinc finger array还有市场不?
哈佛医学院华人生命科学年会CRISPR-Cas9 应用到in vivo 了吗?
【请问】有commercially available的purified Cas9 Protein 吗?关于Genome edit这方面
[got]求文献一篇 Current Protocols in Molecular Biology大家一起来读主流杂志吧[遗传进化方向]希望每周更新
Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately如何检测一个基因的genome copy number
FW: Postdoc Position请教一个CRISPR-CAS9的问题
Human Genome Engineering TechniquesNature系列刊物2013论文当年被引用5强名单
话题: research话题: kidney话题: diseases话题: michigan话题: university