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Biology版 - 【招人】纽约大学布法罗分校PostDoc职位
华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院招聘启事 (转载)借宝地代发一个广告,( 教授/副教授,工程师)
Postdoctoral position in neuroscience/neural engineering at Columbia University笑一笑。刚刚看到的招postdoc的广告。
new postdoc/PhD RA position available at Univ of Michigan. (转载)Immunology postdoc position opening @UMB
review机会征Bioinformatics Analyst (转载)
诚招一名生物技术员 (Harvard Medical School)招聘postdoc 神经生物学方向
Part-time job: Degree Application Document EditorPost-doctoral position available at Wash U.
postdoc salary new scale?请问新泽西癌症研究所的Hu wenwei这个导师怎么样?
话题: experience话题: school话题: cell话题: department
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
One postdoctoral position will be available in Fall, 2015 in the Department
of Biomedical Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo (
SUNY). The research area will focus on using bio-MEMS techniques to create
novel cell culture platforms for cell mechanics and mechanobiological
studies. Projects may involve studies of the fibrosis diseases, cancer
invasion and stem cell differentiation. Some research topics can be found on
our website at http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~rgzhao/index.html
Successful candidates shall have photolithography-based microfabrication
experience, cell culture experience, experience in mechanobiology and
experience in experimental and analytical solid mechanics. Highly motivated
and self-driven candidates with experience in at least two of the above
areas are encouraged to apply. Salary for suitably qualified applicants is
competitive and commensurate with experience. University at Buffalo School
of Engineering is one of the top 60 engineering schools in the United States
. The Biomedical Engineering department is a joint department between the
School of Engineering and the School of Medicine and Biological Science.
If interested, please send your CV and a brief cover letter to Dr. Ruogang
Zhao at [email protected]
/* */ Thank you.
1 (共1页)
请问新泽西癌症研究所的Hu wenwei这个导师怎么样?招聘PostDoc
Postdoc position at Stanford University诚招一名生物技术员 (Harvard Medical School)
Postdoctoral Position in Nano/Bio Medicine at Texas Tech UniversityPart-time job: Degree Application Document Editor
中国太有钱了啊,大家有没有看青年千人计划的名单ztpostdoc salary new scale?
华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院招聘启事 (转载)借宝地代发一个广告,( 教授/副教授,工程师)
Postdoctoral position in neuroscience/neural engineering at Columbia University笑一笑。刚刚看到的招postdoc的广告。
new postdoc/PhD RA position available at Univ of Michigan. (转载)Immunology postdoc position opening @UMB
review机会征Bioinformatics Analyst (转载)
话题: experience话题: school话题: cell话题: department