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Biology版 - [Career Series] Networking: How to make the most of professional societies
Science PhD Career Preferences: Levels, Changes, and Advisor EncouragementAutophagy会拿诺奖吗?
Help me to find some paper review opportunities for my green card application.有人去San Diego开Protein Society的会吗?
Volunteers Needed for 2011 BIO International Convention (June 27-30, DC)还是那个细胞,竟然被那中国老板教训了,晕。。。
OPT挂名在实验室volunteer 生娃关于获得membership
做next-generation sequencing/RNAseq 和 bio-networks 哪个更有前途?急求一篇paper!!! thanks!
没有工作的J2可以申请social society card吗?Obama Says Research Investments Needed
有没有5月23号到26号在费城参加International Society for Cellular Therapy年会的同学?施一公:在普林斯顿大学做助理教授的日子ZT
急!有没有人有internatioanl Society for Stem Cell Research的membership?问个关于学术会议的问题?
话题: career话题: societies
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6830
Like-minded individuals, networking and career advancement opportunities are
just some of the things professional societies can offer, says Alaina G.
Although professionals may know about their own professional society, many
people do not consider the wealth of career advancement, networking and self
-promotion opportunities that they offer. Yes, they know about the
conference and maybe they read the newsletter, but there is so much more
that you can experience from being a member or simply demonstrating your
interest in membership.
A professional society is typically a non-profit dedicated to advancing the
profession and the professionals of a given discipline, field, industry or
sector. (In fact, this is essentially the tagline of the American
Statistical Association.) In science and engineering in particular,
professional societies are often are founded with the original intent of
bringing together like-minded individuals to discuss topics of interest and
potential collaborations, and to provide a collective voice for policy,
advocacy and even funding concerns. As they grow, these same societies
strive to provide opportunities for professionals in the community to become
involved in the governance of the societies as official, or paid, members.
Professional societies provide many direct and indirect benefits to
scientists and engineers to advance their careers, including:
Knowledge about hiring trends and issues;
Publishing opportunities;
Awards and honors for which you can apply, such as travel grants;
Job boards and professional development services;
Leadership experiences.
But the most important benefit that professional associations provide their
members is extensive networking opportunities. The first step to access
these is to join the society and become and engaged member. It is not enough
to simply pay your dues. Take full advantage of the opportunities afforded
by the organization – which, to be clear, exist because of and to serve YOU
– you will want to interact with the leadership and staff, join committees
, understand how the organization functions, participate in its activities (
such as conferences and informal discussions), and generally be an active
Contact the organization: Let them know you are interested in becoming an
engaged member
Start by emailing the “Membership Coordinator” or “Director of Membership
” and ask for a phone appointment. Inform them where you are in your career
path (I am a grad student, postdoc, new faculty member, or am transitioning
into a career in X) and that you are interested in learning more about
becoming an “engaged member”, who is active in some way within the
association. They will be more than happy to chat with you – after all,
their job depends on building the membership. And as you chat, he/she will
start to get ideas as to where you might be a good person to serve the
organization, what committees are in need and what help you can provide.
Access the membership directory: Learn who the members are, where they work,
and who might be a potential collaborator
As a member, one of the most valuable benefits you have is access to the
contact information of every other member. When you reach out to members for
informal discussions, be confident in the knowledge that you are not
intruding or “interrupting” their day by contacting them. They listed
their names and contact data in the directory for a specific purpose – they
want to be contacted because they too want to expand their networks and
seek out new career opportunities. In other words they want to network with
you just as much as you want to network with them.
Volunteer: Look for opportunities to give back to the organization and
establish yourself as a leader
Volunteering for non-profit organizations within my own fields has given me
access to numerous hidden career opportunities and helped me craft
strategically important networks. Consider volunteering to serve on
committees, write articles for the association’s newsletter, or work at the
conference. Volunteers are the lifeblood of an organization and yet very
few members take advantage of the opportunity.
Seek leadership positions: Demonstrate that you care about the success of
the organization and its members and want to make a positive contribution
As you become more entrenched in the organization, pursue leadership
opportunities. Serving in a leadership role in your professional association
elevates your brand, attitude and reputation. It gives you a reason to
reach out and connect with other members and additional society stakeholders
, and it serves as a credential – the organization elected you to this
position, so they perceive you as a leader.
Seek career services: Discover who’s hiring, and how you can position
yourself for success
Not every association has a career services division. But for those that do,
take full advantage of their offerings. A career center within a
professional society often has job postings that may not be advertised
elsewhere and its resume/CV “bank” is often perused surreptitiously by
decision-makers looking for people they wish to invite to apply for open
positions. So post your resume on the job board, and join and contribute to
listservs reserved for career-related discussions. Attend professional
development webinars and workshops.
Becoming active in your association(s) is a critical component to
professional triumph and at different points in your career, you will have
to determine how much time you can realistically spend serving the
organization versus producing the outputs associated with success in your
field (such as publishing). You never want to sacrifice doing excellent
science in the name of serving on a committee, so it will be up to you to
figure out how best to manage your time and commitments. And of course this
will ebb and flow as you advance in your career.
But no matter what vocation you choose and where you are in your profession,
do ensure that your professional association serves as your strategic
partner for success. Because, frankly, that’s what it is there to do.
Parts of this article were taken from Levine’s new book, Networking for
Nerds: Find, Access and Land Game-Changing Career Opportunities Everywhere (
Wiley, 2015)
1 (共1页)
问个关于学术会议的问题?做next-generation sequencing/RNAseq 和 bio-networks 哪个更有前途?
(ZT): Survey says: too many PhDs没有工作的J2可以申请social society card吗?
请教是不是在4月有一批NIH-R01出来?有没有5月23号到26号在费城参加International Society for Cellular Therapy年会的同学?
Any one registered for RNA society meeting 2012急!有没有人有internatioanl Society for Stem Cell Research的membership?
Science PhD Career Preferences: Levels, Changes, and Advisor EncouragementAutophagy会拿诺奖吗?
Help me to find some paper review opportunities for my green card application.有人去San Diego开Protein Society的会吗?
Volunteers Needed for 2011 BIO International Convention (June 27-30, DC)还是那个细胞,竟然被那中国老板教训了,晕。。。
OPT挂名在实验室volunteer 生娃关于获得membership
话题: career话题: societies