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Boston版 - Re: boston的夜生活?
房东不让我们多租一个月, 咋办?Boston events you should know about
{CYPN}CYPN-北大校友会-南开校友会联合秋游: Corn Maze玉米地迷宫boston 30k 是什么样的生活呢?
CYPN-北大校友会-南开校友会联合秋游: Corn Maze玉米地-Oct 9,oops, 赢了
Employer/Retirement Plan Spondor_Navigating the ERISA Fiduciary Maze本周六Irish Pub Crawl
dehumidifier的选择Lowell 5pm 后是不是安全
【供求】搬家卖dehumidifier请问有去过韩国的吗? (转载)
Yale's Law School有人看今晚的大学足球总决赛吗?
[转载] idea for boston travelGoogle "The Most Racist Cities in the U.S. "
话题: boston话题: alchohol话题: bar话题: 夜生活话题: very
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
puke. that's why i said people in boston is tedious.
it's mazing that there are so many bar and pub and very good resetarutn
in boston.
of course you can go by yourself. you can order just water with rock. very
cheap. or you can check the website for their meun, which is normally post
on the web.
tip is necessary for all the pub or bar here, even water.
drink is very easy, you'd better try different types alchohol, not always
non-alchohol. that's for kids.
read the following post so that you cou
发帖数: 101

Hehe, you'd better not go to bar alone, especially those
crowded bars without live music or show, if you don't wanna
stay there lonely to watch football or baseball games on tv.
I do go to bar alone when I go to the downtown or China
Town, just 'cause I have to use the man's room, :), or try
to kill the time when waiting the train of Commute Rail.
There're some Irish pubs near North Station, sometime I go
to there for a pint of Guinness on tap, or some other kinds
of stout.
There's a German res
1 (共1页)
Google "The Most Racist Cities in the U.S. "dehumidifier的选择
请问fenway 和 brookline治安怎么样?Yale's Law School
怎么让boston房子大降价?[转载] idea for boston travel
房东不让我们多租一个月, 咋办?Boston events you should know about
{CYPN}CYPN-北大校友会-南开校友会联合秋游: Corn Maze玉米地迷宫boston 30k 是什么样的生活呢?
CYPN-北大校友会-南开校友会联合秋游: Corn Maze玉米地-Oct 9,oops, 赢了
Employer/Retirement Plan Spondor_Navigating the ERISA Fiduciary Maze本周六Irish Pub Crawl
话题: boston话题: alchohol话题: bar话题: 夜生活话题: very