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Boston版 - Boston Networking # 3: Friday night out at a bar or restaurant
2nd Single Professional Networking event: Potluck and pokerBoston Networking#22 this Friday
Boston Networking # 13: Friday night dinner in CambridgeBoston Networking #23: Tennis and dinner this Sat (03Apr20
Single Working Professional Networking5/28 Friday 7:30PM: Dinner/Networking at 老四川 (Framingham)
Boston Networking # 5: Sat.1pm Halloween trip to Salem[供求] Cheap 1 bed apt for rent in Allston, very convenient!
Boston Networking #6: 杀人游戏 7pm on Friday Nov. 6[转载] Re: 我来灌水
Boston Networking # 4: Sat Lunch & Date (10/24)马萨诸塞
Boston Networking # 8:杀人游戏/Poker at 6:30pm this Sat. Nov. 14newton地铁站旁边的daycare
Boston Networking #11: Friday(Dec.4) Bowling at 8:30pm求教一下,newton哪几个小学相对不好?
话题: friday话题: boston话题: networking话题: bar话题: restaurant
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发帖数: 51
Please vote whether you want to go to a bar or restaurant (what restaurent,
be specific). I will finalize at Thursday night. Hold your calendar for now.
If you are going to join, please send email at your earliest convenience to
y***************************[email protected]
with info on:
1. your cellphone and any demographic info you want to share
2. what location you prefer: a) near subway station or b) with easy parking
You are encouraged to join our google group for the convenience to being
发帖数: 51
Friday night out at a bar is confirmed at 8:30pm this Friday (10/23)at:
Charlie's Kitchen
10 Eliot Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 492-9646
It's very close to the subway station of Harvard sq. If you are going to
join, please send email at your earliest convenience to
y***************************[email protected]
I will respond with my cellphone so that you can contact me if you can't
find the group.
发帖数: 51
13 friends attends this event. Majority stayed till 11:30pm. It's great to
see the group is growing bigger and bigger.
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求教一下,newton哪几个小学相对不好?Boston Networking #6: 杀人游戏 7pm on Friday Nov. 6
求波士顿亚洲餐馆推荐Boston Networking # 4: Sat Lunch & Date (10/24)
(供求)Malden 2房2厕出租,available 3/25, $1600月租Boston Networking # 8:杀人游戏/Poker at 6:30pm this Sat. Nov. 14
{BPN/SPN} 7/14: Hiking Blue Hills via Skyline TrailBoston Networking #11: Friday(Dec.4) Bowling at 8:30pm
2nd Single Professional Networking event: Potluck and pokerBoston Networking#22 this Friday
Boston Networking # 13: Friday night dinner in CambridgeBoston Networking #23: Tennis and dinner this Sat (03Apr20
Single Working Professional Networking5/28 Friday 7:30PM: Dinner/Networking at 老四川 (Framingham)
Boston Networking # 5: Sat.1pm Halloween trip to Salem[供求] Cheap 1 bed apt for rent in Allston, very convenient!
话题: friday话题: boston话题: networking话题: bar话题: restaurant