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Boston版 - how much is the dedication money if you become a believer?
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鸡毛的道歉简直就是赤裸裸的挑衅 (转载)复旦讲坛:中国文化与信仰中国2013-06-03(星期一) 6:00pm
Home Insurance水分可真大请问malden的这几所公立preschool哪个比较好?
话题: believer话题: people话题: good话题: am
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 347
I found religion is a good thing recently.
and I feel that believers are happier.
But how much you need to pay to the church?
I feel that a lot of people are into church, we can not say that we are
definitely smarter than most of them, right?
发帖数: 10098
为了教堂和信教也许会给你带来的某些好处, 你才要加入教会?或者说为了证明自己
不笨才要加入? 而不是因为真的相信有上帝存在而加入?
一个教堂前期投资在非信徒身上的钱, 将来的投资回报率比投资股票的回报率高, 而

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: I found religion is a good thing recently.
: and I feel that believers are happier.
: But how much you need to pay to the church?
: I feel that a lot of people are into church, we can not say that we are
: definitely smarter than most of them, right?

发帖数: 347
well, just try to find some basics.
what's wrong with 教堂和信教也许会给你带来的某些好处, 你才要加入教会?
isn't that human basic to pursuing something good and something true?

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 为了教堂和信教也许会给你带来的某些好处, 你才要加入教会?或者说为了证明自己
: 不笨才要加入? 而不是因为真的相信有上帝存在而加入?
: 一个教堂前期投资在非信徒身上的钱, 将来的投资回报率比投资股票的回报率高, 而
: 且稳当。

发帖数: 9567
发帖数: 347
no idea.
I feel there is a basic need, "forgiveness"
As we are human, humble human.
In life, so hard to find forgiveness,
as humble human so easy to be arrogant.

【在 G******e 的大作中提到】
: 新教有33000多个教派,互称异端,你想进那个?
发帖数: 1430

【在 G******e 的大作中提到】
: 新教有33000多个教派,互称异端,你想进那个?
发帖数: 10098
Please think through these questions: “Am I joining church for my mood,
convenience, profit, function and other benefits? Am I joining it simply
because I believe in GOD?”
If you are merely "jump on the bandwagon". 机会主义者加入教会动机不纯,之后
很可能 become less happy。
在 luckyman (luckyman) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 1356
OF COURSE we are definitely smarter than most of them
Just open your eyes and look around the church, look at the Christians, how many of them are college professors? how many have advance degrees? how many are successful people?
There are also a lot of people into Falundafa, does it make them smart? Please, learn to think.
You don't join a religion to burn cash for happiness, obviously you know nothing about Christianity.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: no idea.
: I feel there is a basic need, "forgiveness"
: As we are human, humble human.
: In life, so hard to find forgiveness,
: as humble human so easy to be arrogant.

发帖数: 347
Oh, Lord!
See how arrogant you are!
I don't blame you on that as I used to take my pride on how smart I am and
how correct I am on a lot of things.
Just one day, I realize, I am not, I am as one of them, just a humble human.
And I am not a believer of Jesus at all at this time,
What I am thinking is that I would be luckier if I can do that or know
something that I can believe.

how many of them are college professors? how many have advance degrees?
how many are successful people?
Please, learn to think.
nothing about Christianity.

【在 l****x 的大作中提到】
: OF COURSE we are definitely smarter than most of them
: Just open your eyes and look around the church, look at the Christians, how many of them are college professors? how many have advance degrees? how many are successful people?
: There are also a lot of people into Falundafa, does it make them smart? Please, learn to think.
: You don't join a religion to burn cash for happiness, obviously you know nothing about Christianity.

发帖数: 10098


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Oh, Lord!
: See how arrogant you are!
: I don't blame you on that as I used to take my pride on how smart I am and
: how correct I am on a lot of things.
: Just one day, I realize, I am not, I am as one of them, just a humble human.
: And I am not a believer of Jesus at all at this time,
: What I am thinking is that I would be luckier if I can do that or know
: something that I can believe.
: how many of them are college professors? how many have advance degrees?

美国梦,我和儿子一起成长(五这个婚姻怎么走下去? (转载)
卖房和传教what percentage you are
Home Insurance水分可真大NH commuter 求租橙线地铁站附近的单间房子
发帖数: 347
no, that's not the intention.
I am not a believer yet, but I am open to that possibility.
Mainly I want to know more about it and how it runs in the church.
Damn it, maybe I am still trying to find reasoning (like how much money, and
how it is used, it is making sense, or just someone grab money from

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: Please think through these questions: “Am I joining church for my mood,
: convenience, profit, function and other benefits? Am I joining it simply
: because I believe in GOD?”
: If you are merely "jump on the bandwagon". 机会主义者加入教会动机不纯,之后
: 很可能 become less happy。
: 在 luckyman (luckyman) 的大作中提到: 】

发帖数: 347
Yep, at work,
and even I can, it is too slow for me to type Chinese.
Bear with me with my poor English, especially when it is used in MITBBS.

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 你无法打中文吗?
: human.

发帖数: 21539

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: I found religion is a good thing recently.
: and I feel that believers are happier.
: But how much you need to pay to the church?
: I feel that a lot of people are into church, we can not say that we are
: definitely smarter than most of them, right?

发帖数: 10098
To me, religion (belief) should be philosophical rather than utilitarian.


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: no, that's not the intention.
: I am not a believer yet, but I am open to that possibility.
: Mainly I want to know more about it and how it runs in the church.
: Damn it, maybe I am still trying to find reasoning (like how much money, and
: how it is used, it is making sense, or just someone grab money from
: popularity)

发帖数: 38403


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Oh, Lord!
: See how arrogant you are!
: I don't blame you on that as I used to take my pride on how smart I am and
: how correct I am on a lot of things.
: Just one day, I realize, I am not, I am as one of them, just a humble human.
: And I am not a believer of Jesus at all at this time,
: What I am thinking is that I would be luckier if I can do that or know
: something that I can believe.
: how many of them are college professors? how many have advance degrees?

发帖数: 347
This is a good statement!

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: To me, religion (belief) should be philosophical rather than utilitarian.
: and

发帖数: 38850
you need to know more

【在 l*****a 的大作中提到】
: 我怎么觉得信教的人运气大多很糟,再说基督教主要是教育人要象被养的羊一样万事忍
: 耐,一切有神这个养羊
: 的做主(坏运气显然也是)
: human.

发帖数: 347
Sure, in a lot of cases,
but, I think the positive side is
about "Forgiveness" and "Acceptance"
I think we human need it no matter you are a believer or not.

【在 l*****a 的大作中提到】
: 我怎么觉得信教的人运气大多很糟,再说基督教主要是教育人要象被养的羊一样万事忍
: 耐,一切有神这个养羊
: 的做主(坏运气显然也是)
: human.

发帖数: 25615

你需要別人對你的 forgiveness 還是需要對別人的
你要學習 humble 的話,church is the last place you'll
find humbleness.
You'll learn to refute evolution facts based on a bronze-age book
without learning anything about evolution.
You'll learn to praise genocides and massacres just because a
fairytale figure did it.
You'll learn to believe all your non-believer family members and
friends should be justly roasted forever.
You'll learn to stop inquire the truth of the world and substitute
it with your personal belief.
and so on.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: no idea.
: I feel there is a basic need, "forgiveness"
: As we are human, humble human.
: In life, so hard to find forgiveness,
: as humble human so easy to be arrogant.

发帖数: 347
Very strong opinion,
I am not defending that some time what you said is the situation.
but without any good side of what they are doing?
In your view, that's not good observation or view from the start?

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: 你需要別人對你的 forgiveness 還是需要對別人的
: forgiveness?
: 你要學習 humble 的話,church is the last place you'll
: find humbleness.
: You'll learn to refute evolution facts based on a bronze-age book
: without learning anything about evolution.
: You'll learn to praise genocides and massacres just because a
: fairytale figure did it.
: You'll learn to believe all your non-believer family members and

复旦讲坛:中国文化与信仰中国2013-06-03(星期一) 6:00pm请问malden的这几所公立preschool哪个比较好?
自来猫,怎么着2011.09.17 新英格兰地区中国科大校友聚会 (转载)
发帖数: 347
See, in general, people who go to church, are nicer,
发帖数: 13249
教会应该是 十一 奉献, 你的收入的 10 分 之一 奉献于教会。 牧师,和 教堂的活

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: I found religion is a good thing recently.
: and I feel that believers are happier.
: But how much you need to pay to the church?
: I feel that a lot of people are into church, we can not say that we are
: definitely smarter than most of them, right?

发帖数: 347
you made good point.
However, I feel that whatever we say here is not convincing in here as there
are common ground here.
For example, we are talking about the church and practice in Boston area.

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: 关于信教,在Religion版已经有太多的争论,还是不要到地方版来争论吧。
: 教会应该是 十一 奉献, 你的收入的 10 分 之一 奉献于教会。 牧师,和 教堂的活
: 动经费就是从这些奉献来的。

发帖数: 38850
that is not the requirement now.

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: 关于信教,在Religion版已经有太多的争论,还是不要到地方版来争论吧。
: 教会应该是 十一 奉献, 你的收入的 10 分 之一 奉献于教会。 牧师,和 教堂的活
: 动经费就是从这些奉献来的。

发帖数: 10088

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: 关于信教,在Religion版已经有太多的争论,还是不要到地方版来争论吧。
: 教会应该是 十一 奉献, 你的收入的 10 分 之一 奉献于教会。 牧师,和 教堂的活
: 动经费就是从这些奉献来的。

发帖数: 347
where and how to join?
I am interested.

【在 w********o 的大作中提到】
: 10%不是硬性规定
: 欢迎加入我们密宗欢喜禅,不要会员费,哇哈哈

发帖数: 25615

does the good out-weight the bad?
I was a christian, if you need to know.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Very strong opinion,
: I am not defending that some time what you said is the situation.
: but without any good side of what they are doing?
: In your view, that's not good observation or view from the start?

发帖数: 25615

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: that is not the requirement now.
发帖数: 33123

【在 z********3 的大作中提到】
: 都是菩萨s。
发帖数: 1430

【在 b**l 的大作中提到】
: 这个会被所有的派扁
Anyone seriously believes BU is better than BC?他们这个叔叔还是不错的
有没有人会教手动挡?哪位老大用costco的auto insurance啊
发帖数: 347
well, I mean you are so bias when you comment on it, as you did not
mention any positive side at all.
Let alone some of your claims are biased by nature,
I always believe good out weighs evil, eventually!

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】

发帖数: 25615

I can readily admit religions provide you a sense of community.
But I trust you won't think having a community make the dogma
true. I'd appreciate if you can point out how my claims are
Actually, you're a typical case of "belief in belief". You don't
actually believe in god, you believe that having a belief is good.
If you have time, I'd suggest you listen to a short talk about this
Let me know what you think. Thanks.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: well, I mean you are so bias when you comment on it, as you did not
: mention any positive side at all.
: Let alone some of your claims are biased by nature,
: I always believe good out weighs evil, eventually!

发帖数: 347
right, I don't believe in God yet,
but I wish I can or I am seeking something to believe in.

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: I can readily admit religions provide you a sense of community.
: But I trust you won't think having a community make the dogma
: true. I'd appreciate if you can point out how my claims are
: biased.
: Actually, you're a typical case of "belief in belief". You don't
: actually believe in god, you believe that having a belief is good.
: If you have time, I'd suggest you listen to a short talk about this
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzbt6QY6NuY
: Let me know what you think. Thanks.

发帖数: 25615

You can believe in love, in goodness, in the joy of knowledge.
Why do you "need" to believe a magical being?
attach a short article I translated.
原文 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5015557
作者: Penn Jillette
我相信沒有神。我已經超過無神論了,無神論只是"不相信神存在"。 不相信神存在是
很容易- 你不能證明一個負面宣稱,所以你不必去證明。 你也不能證明,沒有一隻大
象在我的汽車行李廂。你不信嗎?那現在呢? 也許他只是躲起來, 你要不要去再檢查
一次? 喔! 我忘了告訴你我心目中大象的定義是神秘,秩序,善良,愛以及一個備胎。
因此,任何一個熱愛真理的人應該先從沒有對神的信仰開始, 然後尋找神存在的證據
, 主張無神論比較簡單。
但是要陳述什麼是“我相信的“需要更多的個人主觀意見, 以及對生命整體認識上信念
邁出了這一步, 我對生命中的每一刻都有了自覺。我不貪心, 我有愛,我有藍天,我
有彩虹, 我有賀卡, 這就夠了。 這真的夠了, 這些就是世上的所有東西, 而這世
界對我來說是非常豐富的。 我認為還想對看不見的神要求更多東西是挺粗魯的。 我有
撫養我長大的家庭對我的愛, 以及從我現在撫養的家庭對我的愛, 真的夠了。 我不
相信沒有神意味著除了用真心的善意和悔過, 我不能真的被原諒。 這是好事,這使我
習修正我犯錯的地方。 我們都可以不斷調整,讓我們好好溝通。我不去跟那些說 “我
信這個,你說什麼做什麼都不會動搖我的信仰“ 的人打交道, 那只是一個宗教式的方
法來說,“閉嘴“。 我認為一個人說 “我小時候被教導的以及我的虛擬朋友比你所有
能說或能做都多“ 是對人最大的污辱。 所以,相信沒有神讓我可以被證明是錯誤的,
這是有趣的, 這意味著我能學到東西。
相信沒有神意味著 , 我的家人以及世上所有人的痛苦,不是因為一個全知全能無所不
在的力量沒有盡力去幫助,或者只是為了考驗我們。 而是我們在未來能夠彼此幫助的
真實的東西。 這使得我的這一輩子 是最好的一輩子。
譯者註: 無神論(atheism) 是 "不相信有神" (not believe), 是缺乏對神存在的信
仰, 不見得是積極性的否定神的存在, 就好像我們對三億光年外的某顆星是否有行星
一樣, 缺乏對存在的信仰。 本文作者的主張是"相信沒有神", 這是一個積極去否定
神存在的信念。 NPR 出的題目是"This I believe", 特別要求作者不可以寫他不相信
的事情, 不能寫"我不相信有神" 這種題目, 所以作者就更直接的寫他相信沒有神。

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: right, I don't believe in God yet,
: but I wish I can or I am seeking something to believe in.

发帖数: 347
as we are human and so easy to get into something bad,
like a bad habit,
and sometime we think we are smart enough, on the other side, we are so
innocent with even knowing it.
and it goes on and on.
in short some time bad things are easy to get to you and hard to get rid of
them, must seek something to help get good things out from the bad.

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: You can believe in love, in goodness, in the joy of knowledge.
: Why do you "need" to believe a magical being?
: attach a short article I translated.
: 2011年2月11日星期五
: 我相信沒有神(譯)
: 原文 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5015557
: 作者: Penn Jillette
: 我相信沒有神。我已經超過無神論了,無神論只是"不相信神存在"。 不相信神存在是
: 很容易- 你不能證明一個負面宣稱,所以你不必去證明。 你也不能證明,沒有一隻大

发帖数: 10098


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: as we are human and so easy to get into something bad,
: like a bad habit,
: and sometime we think we are smart enough, on the other side, we are so
: innocent with even knowing it.
: and it goes on and on.
: in short some time bad things are easy to get to you and hard to get rid of
: them, must seek something to help get good things out from the bad.

发帖数: 347
as the statement and case in your article,
does not apply to most of ordinary people as we are not perfect.
What makes it so hard is that
human being try to be perfect and expect perfect from other people and
things. It ends up unhappiness as perfection is little probability event (if
not zero). That's why we need forgiveness to ourselves and to others too.
That's why we should do more acceptance of us and the world. Some time in
the relationship, taking is far more meaningful than giving or demanding.

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: You can believe in love, in goodness, in the joy of knowledge.
: Why do you "need" to believe a magical being?
: attach a short article I translated.
: 2011年2月11日星期五
: 我相信沒有神(譯)
: 原文 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5015557
: 作者: Penn Jillette
: 我相信沒有神。我已經超過無神論了,無神論只是"不相信神存在"。 不相信神存在是
: 很容易- 你不能證明一個負面宣稱,所以你不必去證明。 你也不能證明,沒有一隻大

发帖数: 347
well, that's the point.
Is that the case?
Where are the forgiveness and acceptance in reality?

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 是好是坏没关系,在这里我们都爱你接受你,不必去教堂了,麻烦。
: of

发帖数: 25615
Let me understand this a bit more.
You fully understand the importance of forgiveness, but
you need to believe in a magical being for you to actually
forgive (or to be forgiven). Do I understand you right?
If so, why? why not just forgive? and to seek forgiveness from
those whom you have wronged? Sure, it's hard. Why do you think
believe a god would make it easier?
You're very honest about why you want to pick up a faith. It's
not that you care about virgin birth or eternal life. You're
just seeking the utility of a faith. This is unusual. I tend to
think you won't be a real believer anyway.


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: as the statement and case in your article,
: does not apply to most of ordinary people as we are not perfect.
: What makes it so hard is that
: human being try to be perfect and expect perfect from other people and
: things. It ends up unhappiness as perfection is little probability event (if
: not zero). That's why we need forgiveness to ourselves and to others too.
: That's why we should do more acceptance of us and the world. Some time in
: the relationship, taking is far more meaningful than giving or demanding.

发帖数: 10098
Well said and you have good command of English. 傻驴(法语,致敬的意思, 不

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Let me understand this a bit more.
: You fully understand the importance of forgiveness, but
: you need to believe in a magical being for you to actually
: forgive (or to be forgiven). Do I understand you right?
: If so, why? why not just forgive? and to seek forgiveness from
: those whom you have wronged? Sure, it's hard. Why do you think
: believe a god would make it easier?
: You're very honest about why you want to pick up a faith. It's
: not that you care about virgin birth or eternal life. You're
: just seeking the utility of a faith. This is unusual. I tend to

哪位老大用costco的auto insurance啊卖房和传教
鸡毛的道歉简直就是赤裸裸的挑衅 (转载)Home Insurance水分可真大
美国梦,我和儿子一起成长(五这个婚姻怎么走下去? (转载)
发帖数: 347
correct, I don't care the eternal life.
Much more for a happier current life, family, friends, everything.
For that we need to bring back the consensus of acceptance and forgiveness
and objective of pursuing something good by everybody.

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Let me understand this a bit more.
: You fully understand the importance of forgiveness, but
: you need to believe in a magical being for you to actually
: forgive (or to be forgiven). Do I understand you right?
: If so, why? why not just forgive? and to seek forgiveness from
: those whom you have wronged? Sure, it's hard. Why do you think
: believe a god would make it easier?
: You're very honest about why you want to pick up a faith. It's
: not that you care about virgin birth or eternal life. You're
: just seeking the utility of a faith. This is unusual. I tend to

发帖数: 25615

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: Well said and you have good command of English. 傻驴(法语,致敬的意思, 不
: 是骂人哈!)

发帖数: 25615
I didn't see this earlier.
Have you ever get free trial of any commercial products?
Do you think they are really "nice" to give you the
free sample?

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: See, in general, people who go to church, are nicer,
: 别的不知道,教会应该有不少热心的人吧。

发帖数: 25615

OK. I'm with you on this.
Now I still don't understand why you need to believe in
a magical being.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: correct, I don't care the eternal life.
: Much more for a happier current life, family, friends, everything.
: For that we need to bring back the consensus of acceptance and forgiveness
: and objective of pursuing something good by everybody.

发帖数: 10098
Forgiveness and acceptance begin with loving of yourself.
When you forgive yourself you let go of your old memory, the blame, shame,
guilt and fear. After getting rid of those things, you will be able to
recognize the connection to every other soul in the world. You will no
longer allow the actions of others to instill bitterness within you because
you are radiating love despite what is happening.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: well, that's the point.
: Is that the case?
: Where are the forgiveness and acceptance in reality?

发帖数: 347
bring people to a common ground?
to be humble? forgive? and encourage anything good?

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: OK. I'm with you on this.
: Now I still don't understand why you need to believe in
: a magical being.

发帖数: 1356
从smart level这个角度看问题,luckyman you are going to fit right into the
church. :-D
发帖数: 347
you miss understand my intention and saying words not nice at all.
But I forgive you.
You can have your feeling.
And my pride of my smartness are long gone, so it is ok for you saying that.

【在 l****x 的大作中提到】
: 某些人真是龟毛,你想去信教就去信,不想就不去,反而因为要交多少钱而犹豫不决,
: 这是对基督教的侮辱啊。
: 从smart level这个角度看问题,luckyman you are going to fit right into the
: church. :-D

发帖数: 25615
I never said this online before.
The reason I left Christianity is not because of logic,
science, evolution; nor was because I suddenly got smarter.
It's because religion, especially monotheism, is the
most divisive thing you can ever imagine. You're
going the wrong direction for bring people to a common
If you joined Catholic, you think Protestantism is wrong.
You won't join their worship.
If you joined one of the 33,000+ Protestant denominations,
you will be told all other denominations are wrong.
If you joined Jehovah Witnesses, you're heretic for almost
every christian.
If you also believe in the book of Mormon, you are simply
the enemy of Christian.
Just read the last part of this
Think about it. Why would any normal person hate other people
just because he thinks they misunderstand a bronze-age book?
Religions like Christianity is a full package. You might
reinforce your willingness to forgive, but it also give you
many more reason to condemn others for not believing the
same fantasy you have.
It's enough work to overcome the barriers of language, skin color,
culture, and so on. Religions simply create much more barriers than
all of other factors. Because you simply can not reason with
religious people.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: bring people to a common ground?
: to be humble? forgive? and encourage anything good?

发帖数: 25615

Put his insulting words aside, he has a very good point.
How much are you willing to pay for forgiveness? If it's really
expensive to join a church, do you still want forgiveness?
You just forgave him. Did you pay money for it? I guess not.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: you miss understand my intention and saying words not nice at all.
: But I forgive you.
: You can have your feeling.
: And my pride of my smartness are long gone, so it is ok for you saying that.

what percentage you are复旦讲坛:中国文化与信仰中国2013-06-03(星期一) 6:00pm
NH commuter 求租橙线地铁站附近的单间房子自来猫,怎么着
发帖数: 347
no, you miss the point again,
it is not about the money, it is about know the practice, the intention,
thus facts if we could find.

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: that.
: Put his insulting words aside, he has a very good point.
: How much are you willing to pay for forgiveness? If it's really
: expensive to join a church, do you still want forgiveness?
: You just forgave him. Did you pay money for it? I guess not.

发帖数: 1356
why do I need to be nice to you? if I kill your parents you will still love
me and forgive me, that is nice thing about Christians ;-)
for some Christian-wannabe who can't even figure out how to type in chinese,
im not concerned :D


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: you miss understand my intention and saying words not nice at all.
: But I forgive you.
: You can have your feeling.
: And my pride of my smartness are long gone, so it is ok for you saying that.

发帖数: 25615

you can't blame anyone who read your topic title.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: no, you miss the point again,
: it is not about the money, it is about know the practice, the intention,
: thus facts if we could find.

发帖数: 25615
兄弟,this is not helpful.
(ya, why should we be helpful? how about try our best to
reduce the number of religious nuts in your children's world?)


【在 l****x 的大作中提到】
: why do I need to be nice to you? if I kill your parents you will still love
: me and forgive me, that is nice thing about Christians ;-)
: for some Christian-wannabe who can't even figure out how to type in chinese,
: im not concerned :D
: that.

发帖数: 7166
to reduce the number of religious nuts, the only way is to encourage them
to fight for their religions SERIOUSLY, then they will start killing each

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: 兄弟,this is not helpful.
: (ya, why should we be helpful? how about try our best to
: reduce the number of religious nuts in your children's world?)
: love
: chinese,

发帖数: 347
Sure you don't anything like that. Good for you that you can feel like you
are something different from ordinary people.


【在 l****x 的大作中提到】
: why do I need to be nice to you? if I kill your parents you will still love
: me and forgive me, that is nice thing about Christians ;-)
: for some Christian-wannabe who can't even figure out how to type in chinese,
: im not concerned :D
: that.

发帖数: 25615
We get hurt when they fight.

【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: to reduce the number of religious nuts, the only way is to encourage them
: to fight for their religions SERIOUSLY, then they will start killing each
: other.

发帖数: 2586

The technical name for such donation is called "Tithing", for LDS it's 10%
of your income

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: I found religion is a good thing recently.
: and I feel that believers are happier.
: But how much you need to pay to the church?
: I feel that a lot of people are into church, we can not say that we are
: definitely smarter than most of them, right?

发帖数: 7166

【在 c******7 的大作中提到】
: The technical name for such donation is called "Tithing", for LDS it's 10%
: of your income

发帖数: 10098
This message is confusing to me. If you are curious about the way churches
handle donations, I can tell you a brief story. Churches collect donated
cash, securities or real assets to pay for its employee’s salary,
operational overhead and other mission expenses. All contributions are
pooled together to be called something like “xxyy charity fund”. The Fund
will be put into institutional money mangers' hands to help generating
investment return.
I bet there will be corruption somewhere in the process.
在 luckyman (luckyman) 的大作中提到: 】
请问malden的这几所公立preschool哪个比较好?Anyone seriously believes BU is better than BC?
2011.09.17 新英格兰地区中国科大校友聚会 (转载)有没有人会教手动挡?
发帖数: 10098
老毛说:“宗教是毒药。”当宗教引起互相残杀时, 那确实是毒药。

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: We get hurt when they fight.
发帖数: 7166
So? Everything has a cost. At least we will hurt less than if we need
to kill them ourselves. Only question is, how badly you want to get
rid of them.


【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: We get hurt when they fight.
发帖数: 25615

There are right ways to do it and there are wrong ways too. Get them
fight is definitely wrong. You think nuke would be smart enough to
kill only christians, jews, and muslims? I bet there were many
atheists died in 9/11 too.
The way communists did in promoting atheism was wrong too. People grew up
in mainland china weren't organic atheists. Many of them are so readily
to give up ration and are proud of it. No wonder stupid religions like
FLG and Christianity can grab so many untrained minds.
The only right way I know is education and promoting rational thinking.

【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: So? Everything has a cost. At least we will hurt less than if we need
: to kill them ourselves. Only question is, how badly you want to get
: rid of them.
: them
: each

发帖数: 347
what you got educated?
Very curious!

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: There are right ways to do it and there are wrong ways too. Get them
: fight is definitely wrong. You think nuke would be smart enough to
: kill only christians, jews, and muslims? I bet there were many
: atheists died in 9/11 too.
: The way communists did in promoting atheism was wrong too. People grew up
: in mainland china weren't organic atheists. Many of them are so readily
: to give up ration and are proud of it. No wonder stupid religions like
: FLG and Christianity can grab so many untrained minds.
: The only right way I know is education and promoting rational thinking.

发帖数: 25615

Not sure what you mean.
I've always been interested in logic and reasoning. I learned
from school and self-study.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: what you got educated?
: Very curious!

发帖数: 347
oh, you mean you did that, probably like what I did in the most of my life.
Learning about logic and rational thinking.
I thought you got educated more on Religion.
By the way, you don't think Newton is logical and rational enough?

【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Not sure what you mean.
: I've always been interested in logic and reasoning. I learned
: from school and self-study.

发帖数: 25615

I self-study religion (actually, Christianity only, but
Abrahamic religions are about the same).
No, he is not rational enough.
It's called "compartmentalize" rational thinking. Some people can do it.
They don't use rational thinking for all their thinking.
Christian scientists are typical. They demand evidences to support
scientific theories. But they don't do the same for their blind faith.

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: oh, you mean you did that, probably like what I did in the most of my life.
: Learning about logic and rational thinking.
: I thought you got educated more on Religion.
: By the way, you don't think Newton is logical and rational enough?

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