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Boston版 - {BPN/SPN} 4/7: Hiking Plum Island + Sunset photograph
{BPN/SPN} 5/12: Hiking Mt. Welch-Dickey6/21: Dunes, Beach, Sunset, P-town
{BPN/SPN} 爬最高的山,漂最难的河--全部完成六月计划11/7/ First Winter Hiking this year--Mt. Lafayette/Mt. Lin
{BPN/SPN} 2/24 7:00PM: Disney On Ice12/11 Single Pro Networking 每周一山#16:Mt. Liberty
{BPN/SPN} 3/3: 1-4:00PM Grand Free Wine Tasting in NewtonJuly 23-31:Boston Professional Networking: Activities for the week
{BPN/SPN} 4/21: Maine State Parks + Light House Tour(BPN/SPN) Get together lunch and for Mid Autumn this Sunday at noon (Sep. 11th)
{BPN/SPN}5/19: 郊游:Halibut Point + Castle Hill + Maudsla{BPN/SPN} 9/17: Biking in Cape Cod
{BPN/SPN} 5/26: 休闲游: Plymouth + Cape Cod (and Provincet有32-40岁的好单身男吗?
[活动](3/6):寻找海豹, 候鸟回归--Plum岛探索发现(1)2010活动,{BPN} 周二的尝试,10/11,阿富汗餐
话题: bpn话题: island话题: plum话题: spn话题: sunset
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 746
集合时间: 12:30PM
集合地点:80 Sunset Dr., Newbury, MA 01951
Our group on Facebook:
My cell: 617-3722058
Entrance fee: $5/per car
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1942 to provide
feeding, resting, and nesting habitat for migratory birds. The refuge
occupies 4,662 acres on the southern two-thirds of Plum Island, a barrier
island on the Northeast coast of Massachusetts, and is administered by the
US Fish and Wildlife Service, a federal agency. Parker River is one of over
550 Refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System, a national network of
lands dedicated to "wildlife first."
Today, Parker River provides pristine coastal habitat for over 300 species
of resident and migratory birds, as well as a large variety of mammals,
insects, fish, reptiles and amphibians. The Refuge also provides critical
habitat for the federally threatened Piping Plover.
In addition to its mission of wildlife conservation, the Refuge provides a
variety of excellent wildlife-dependent recreational activities, including
surf fishing, wildlife observation and photography, guided nature programs,
and seasonal waterfowl and deer hunting opportunities.
Parker River is also responsible for the management of Great Bay National
Wildlife Refuge, Thacher Island National Wildlife Refuge, and Wapack
National Wildlife Refuge. Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge also includes a
28-acre conservation easement in Concord, New Hampshire, which is managed
primarily for the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly. Great Bay
National Wildlife Refuge is in the process of completing its 15 Year
Comprehensive Conservation Plan. To find out more about this plan, please
click here.
To view a video about Parker River NWR, click here. To view a list of refuge
regulations, click here.
Enjoy your visit!
{BPN/SPN} Boston Professional Networking, 前身是Single Professional
Networking (SPN), 现有超过2000的会员. 俱乐部自2009年10月1号成立以来, 已发展成
集运动.交友.娱乐与休闲于一体的大型社交团体. BPN有两个sites: BPN Google group
and BPN Facebook. BPN Google group 是单身部 (BPN Single Division, aka
SingleProfessional Networking), 约有600会员, 便于单身人士活动。 我们组织的活
动丰富多彩. 爬山. 骑车. 帆船. 骑马. 羽毛球. 网球. 卡拉OK. 美食.红叶游. 爬雪
山. 滑雪. 高尔夫. 电影. 摄影.品酒. 露天电影和音乐会, 等等应有尽有. 活动组织
形式采取"人人组织, 人人参与" 的形式, 让大家都有机会展示自己. 小规模(少于25人
)的活动更有利于组织, 也更能保证活动质量, 也让大家更多接触了解的机会. 俱乐部
也有较大规模的活动, 但以"多种活动, 较小规模"为主. 刚刚过去的单身节, 在限制人
数的情况下, 有超过130 名单身朋友参加, 吃饭人数也创了记录, 充分展现我们组织大
我们的两个分俱乐部:New England Outdoor (NEO) 和 Not the Average Golfers
NEO 是美东地区最大,实力最强的华人登山组织,一年四季都爬山,这里是facebook的
Not the Average Golers是近来波士顿地区最受欢迎的活动,我们不得不限制参加人数。
You are welcome to join us:
BPN Google group (BPN Single Division): email (gmail) to:
s**********************************[email protected]
BPN on Facebook: Boston Professional Networking(BPN)
发帖数: 3036
发帖数: 746
发帖数: 746
欢迎单身和非单身的朋友加入我们. 上个月有两对儿举行婚礼, 都是我们俱乐部的.
发帖数: 746
BPN/SPN 春天将推出"春游爬山系列"
Blue Hills hiking
Mt. Major
Mt. Cardigan
Mt. Welch-Dickey
Mt. Monadnock
春游包括, 哈佛植物园, Boston Harbor Islands, Castle Hill, 等附近的景点和公园.
发帖数: 746
Plum Island is a 6-mile long barrier beach that extends south of Newburyport
. Most of it makes up the Parker River Wildlife Refuge, which nearly 300
bird species visit seasonally.
This long hike will take you through the extraordinary diversity of Plum
Island scenery.
After you have crossed the refuge entrance, drive down the road to Parking
Lot 4. This is where our hike starts. First, go to the observation tower
adjacent to the Lot to get a feel for Plum Island's lay of the land. Then,
retrace your steps on the main road to explore Hellcat Swamp Trail, which
extends on both sides of the road. There is a photography blind at the end
of the trail that will have children and adults alike excited! When you are
back on the road, follow it south for about half a mile, then take the
boardwalk to the beach on your left, facing parking Lot 5. Once on the beach
, hike south down to the tip of the island, where Sandy Point State
Reservation is located. There is another observation tower there, from where
you will have a nice view on Broad Sound, protected from the ocean by Plum
Island. To go back, either walk up back on the beach, or more likely, if you
start being tired, take the main road back to your car. Even though cars
drive slowly on this dusty gravel and sand road, traffic can be significant
in late afternoon, so walk carefully and always face incoming cars. If you
are back to your car when the sun starts to set, walk again to the
observation and enjoy the silence— most visitors will have probably left by
Account for at least 4 hours for the round-trip hike.
Please note that the beach generally closes from April 1st to mid-August to
provide nesting for the piping plover, a threatened shorebird. The Refuge
itself stays open, and you may still hike down to the island tip using the
main Refuge road. However, you may feel frustrated if beach access is closed
. During this period, we therefore suggest to call the Refuge to get an
update of the beach status before leaving.
发帖数: 21539


【在 C*****1 的大作中提到】
: Plum Island is a 6-mile long barrier beach that extends south of Newburyport
: . Most of it makes up the Parker River Wildlife Refuge, which nearly 300
: bird species visit seasonally.
: This long hike will take you through the extraordinary diversity of Plum
: Island scenery.
: After you have crossed the refuge entrance, drive down the road to Parking
: Lot 4. This is where our hike starts. First, go to the observation tower
: adjacent to the Lot to get a feel for Plum Island's lay of the land. Then,
: retrace your steps on the main road to explore Hellcat Swamp Trail, which
: extends on both sides of the road. There is a photography blind at the end

发帖数: 746
可以只参加hiking, 看日落也很不错,印在心里更深刻。
发帖数: 746

【在 C*****1 的大作中提到】
: 集合时间: 12:30PM
: 集合地点:80 Sunset Dr., Newbury, MA 01951
: 天气预告51度,请穿够衣服。很好的天气,落日会很美的.
: Our group on Facebook:
: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bostonspn/
: My cell: 617-3722058
: Entrance fee: $5/per car
: 可以只参加其中一项活动。
: http://www.fws.gov/northeast/parkerriver/
: Parker River National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1942 to provide

发帖数: 746

【在 C*****1 的大作中提到】
: 集合时间: 12:30PM
: 集合地点:80 Sunset Dr., Newbury, MA 01951
: 天气预告51度,请穿够衣服。很好的天气,落日会很美的.
: Our group on Facebook:
: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bostonspn/
: My cell: 617-3722058
: Entrance fee: $5/per car
: 可以只参加其中一项活动。
: http://www.fws.gov/northeast/parkerriver/
: Parker River National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1942 to provide

发帖数: 746
Many people are going tomorrow. If you want to join us, you may go there
directly. If you need ride, call me at: 6173722058
Address to meet at 12:30PM tomorrow: 80 Sunset Dr, Newbury, MA
发帖数: 746
这是星期五我在Plum Island 拍的。
发帖数: 746
在此表示遗憾, 希望以后能补上。
Professional Networking (BPN), 而Single Professional Networking (SPN) 是我
1 (共1页)
活动,{BPN} 周二的尝试,10/11,阿富汗餐{BPN/SPN} 4/21: Maine State Parks + Light House Tour
初来乍到,有没有朋友一起去看罗密欧和朱丽叶的芭蕾?{BPN/SPN}5/19: 郊游:Halibut Point + Castle Hill + Maudsla
{BPN/SPN}10/16: Foliage Trip To Berkshire, West Mass{BPN/SPN} 5/26: 休闲游: Plymouth + Cape Cod (and Provincet
{BPN/SPN} 11/11/11 单身节--MagicMatch Party[活动](3/6):寻找海豹, 候鸟回归--Plum岛探索发现(1)2010
{BPN/SPN} 5/12: Hiking Mt. Welch-Dickey6/21: Dunes, Beach, Sunset, P-town
{BPN/SPN} 爬最高的山,漂最难的河--全部完成六月计划11/7/ First Winter Hiking this year--Mt. Lafayette/Mt. Lin
{BPN/SPN} 2/24 7:00PM: Disney On Ice12/11 Single Pro Networking 每周一山#16:Mt. Liberty
{BPN/SPN} 3/3: 1-4:00PM Grand Free Wine Tasting in NewtonJuly 23-31:Boston Professional Networking: Activities for the week
话题: bpn话题: island话题: plum话题: spn话题: sunset