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Boston版 - {BPN/SPN} 4/29: Japanese Spring Festival 聚会
{BPN/SPN} 12/31 5:00PM: 游行+冰雕+年夜饭({BPN/SPN} 11/11/11 单身节--MagicMatch Party
July 23-31:Boston Professional Networking: Activities for the weekBPN/SPN: Sunday 2/12情人节系列活动
(BPN/SPN) Get together lunch and for Mid Autumn this Sunday at noon (Sep. 11th){BPN/SPN} 2/24 7:00PM: Disney On Ice
{BPN/SPN} 9/17: Biking in Cape Cod{BPN/SPN} 3/3: 1-4:00PM Grand Free Wine Tasting in Newton
有32-40岁的好单身男吗?{BPN/SPN} 4/7: Hiking Plum Island + Sunset photograph
活动,{BPN} 周二的尝试,10/11,阿富汗餐{BPN/SPN}春游爬山系列活动
初来乍到,有没有朋友一起去看罗密欧和朱丽叶的芭蕾?{BPN/SPN} 4/14: Hiking Mt. Major + Tilton Outlet Shopping
{BPN/SPN}10/16: Foliage Trip To Berkshire, West Mass{BPN/SPN} 5/6: Walk for Hunger
话题: japanese话题: boston话题: japan话题: copley
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 746
Let's go to Copley square and have fun! The largest Japanese festival ever
in Boston!
When: 12:00AM
Where: Copley Square (Green Line T Copley)
Eat all kinds of Japanese food.
My cell: 6173722058
"Haru Matsuri" Boston 2012
To commemorate the Centennial of the original gift of cherry trees from
Japan to Washington, D.C. in 1912, a number of events will take place in
various cities across the U.S. this spring. In Boston, “Haru Matsuri Boston
2012” will be held on Sunday, April 29th as a part of “The Greater Boston
-Japan Cherry Blossom Festival.”
“Haru Matsuri (or “Spring Festival”) Boston 2012” – a daylong event in
historic Copley Square – has been prepared by volunteers from numerous
Japan-related organizations in Boston and is supported by the Consulate
General of Japan and a number of Japanese and American corporations. It will
be the first Japanese-style festival in Boston and will be the largest
event ever organized by the local Japanese community. Haru Matsuri will
present a unique opportunity for Boston families and visitors to enjoy
Japanese food and entertainment and to learn about Japanese culture in an
entertaining environment. Featuring 80 booths offering delicious foods and
goods, games and activities typical to traditional Japanese festivals, as
well as music and performances by local artists, Haru Matsuri will be a day
full of fun and festivity for participants of all ages. There will also be
organizations which have been providing support for those affected by the
great earthquake and tsunami that devastated the eastern region of Japan
last March.
We hope that families of all backgrounds will join us in celebrating spring
with us and enjoying a Japanese festival firsthand on April 29th at Copley
Time and Place:
Sunday, April 29, 2012, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Copley Square Park (no entrance fee)
In case of cancellation due to inclement weather, we will make an
announcement on our website on the day of the event.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the original gift of cherry trees from
Japan to the United States, to strengthen the friendly goodwill between the
people of the U.S. and Japan, and to express our gratitude for the relief
efforts and support for the victims of the disaster of March 11, 2011. We
will also be celebrating Japan Airline’s long-awaited launch of the first
nonstop flight linking Boston and Japan.
There will be 80 booths offering authentic Japanese foods, goods and
services, child-friendly games and activities, displays introducing Japanese
culture and Japan-related organizations in Boston, and much more. Onstage
there will also be performances of Japanese music, traditional arts and
other forms of entertainment. An exciting raffle will feature two grand
prizes of a business-class round-trip ticket to Japan, courtesy of Japan
Organizing Committee:
Hisao Nakatsuka (Japanese Association of Greater Boston) & Peter Grilli (
Japan Society of Boston)
Committee members include volunteers from the following organizations:
The Japanese Association of Greater Boston, Japan Society of Boston,
Japanese Resource Exchange (JREX), Japanese Business Association of New
England, Showa Boston Institute, Boston Children’s Museum, New England JET
Alumni Association (NEJETAA), Association for the Promotion of Japanese
Cuisine, and the Greater Boston Japanese Student Association
发帖数: 746
{BPN/SPN} Boston Professional Networking, 现有超过2000的会员. 俱乐部自2009年
10月1号成立以来, 已发展成
集运动.交友.娱乐与休闲于一体的大型社交团体. BPN有两个sites: BPN Google group
and BPN Facebook. BPN Google group 是单身部 (BPN Single Division, aka
SingleProfessional Networking), 约有600会员, 便于单身人士活动。 我们组织的活
动丰富多彩. 爬山. 骑车. 帆船. 骑马. 羽毛球. 网球. 卡拉OK. 美食.红叶游. 爬雪
山. 滑雪. 高尔夫. 电影. 摄影.品酒. 露天电影和音乐会, 等等应有尽有. 活动组织
形式采取"人人组织, 人人参与" 的形式, 让大家都有机会展示自己. 小规模(少于25人
)的活动更有利于组织, 也更能保证活动质量, 也让大家更多接触了解的机会. 俱乐部
也有较大规模的活动, 但以"多种活动, 较小规模"为主. 刚刚过去的单身节, 在限制人
数的情况下, 有超过130 名单身朋友参加, 吃饭人数也创了记录, 充分展现我们组织大
我们的两个分俱乐部:New England Outdoor (NEO) 和 Not the Average Golfers
NEO 是美东地区最大,实力最强的华人登山组织,一年四季都爬山,这里是facebook的
Not the Average Golers是近来波士顿地区最受欢迎的活动,我们不得不限制参加人数。
You are welcome to join us:
BPN Google group (BPN Single Division): email (gmail) to:
s**********************************[email protected]
BPN on Facebook: Boston Professional Networking(BPN)
1 (共1页)
{BPN/SPN} 5/6: Walk for Hunger有32-40岁的好单身男吗?
{BPN/SPN} 4/21: Maine State Parks + Light House Tour活动,{BPN} 周二的尝试,10/11,阿富汗餐
{BPN/SPN} 5/12: Hiking Mt. Welch-Dickey初来乍到,有没有朋友一起去看罗密欧和朱丽叶的芭蕾?
{BPN/SPN} 5/5 中国城早茶 + 哈佛植物园{BPN/SPN}10/16: Foliage Trip To Berkshire, West Mass
{BPN/SPN} 12/31 5:00PM: 游行+冰雕+年夜饭({BPN/SPN} 11/11/11 单身节--MagicMatch Party
July 23-31:Boston Professional Networking: Activities for the weekBPN/SPN: Sunday 2/12情人节系列活动
(BPN/SPN) Get together lunch and for Mid Autumn this Sunday at noon (Sep. 11th){BPN/SPN} 2/24 7:00PM: Disney On Ice
{BPN/SPN} 9/17: Biking in Cape Cod{BPN/SPN} 3/3: 1-4:00PM Grand Free Wine Tasting in Newton
话题: japanese话题: boston话题: japan话题: copley