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Boston版 - The Origin of Chinese Humanist Tradition (770 BC- 86 BC) (转载)
复旦讲坛:中国文化与信仰中国2013-06-03(星期一) 6:00pmPKUAA-NE Thanksgiving Outing
关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in (转载)世界清静了,推荐对付老大爷妙方:mitbbs id blocker (转载)
推荐个买房保险中介吧致 永远的微笑 - from Obama
MIT ETF seminar:Challenges of China's State-owned Enterprise Reform(free pizza)太惨了 求同情 求安慰包子
tax reform我们打算做一个banner - for the protest
Chinese immigrant denied California law license gets one 1 (转载)关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)
征赈灾捐款sticker图片设计和poster图片设计Amazon 资深designer熬夜制作的poster (转载)
Light up Harvard bridge for the SiChuan ppl滴水穿石,聚沙成塔,团结就是力量 -- 休斯顿抗议ABC,JK游行 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: qin话题: china话题: bc话题: pre
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: The Origin of Chinese Humanist Tradition (770 BC- 86 BC)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 6 13:22:16 2013, 美东)
These days, one only has to mention Chinese human rights to get snickers
from Americans and the western media. Admit it, the Chinese culture is
known for food, customs (some disturbing) and test-taking. But Chinese
human rights? Oh Come on. Isn't that an oxymoron?
Two great rivers ran through the Chinese Americans. The first river, the
Western Democratic Tradition, originated in the Ancient Greece. This river
coursed through Hellenistic empires, dried to a trinkle, preserved through
two millenia by Romans, Christians and Jews and Arabs, reformed and expanded
in the Religious Reformation and Classic Renaissance in Europe and
eventually landed to America and made USA in its image. It is our American
river, the one we know.
But the second river, no less deep and no less long, the Chinese Humanist
Tradtion, is the hidden river that goes through our heart. Around the same
time Greek philosphers and scientists posed questions for posterity, the
Chinese scholars congregated in schools all over China. The Chinese
scholars and Greek scholars never met each other then, did not know each
other existed and their descendents would not know for 2000 years. But the
two rivers existed and ran parallel and until fairly recently, no man have
even drunk from both. We are the first to drink from both rivers and to
claim descent from both.
As the world's most reluctant writer, I am writing this because even Chinese
and Chinese Americans remain ignorant of the unique Chinese perspective and
deep vein of Humanism that permeates much of Chinese culture. I hope to
start this conversation and ask everyone to help expand it.
Unlike the ancient Greek culture, which inspired the lasting Western
renaissance that continued to this day, there was never a renaissance for
the Chinese classic pre-Qin culture, this is a good time to start one.
When our children grow up one day, we will show them
the mirror of time and tell them: Your little eyes are beautiful, your
gentle character is strong, your journey is unique and you will make the
world a better place; there are no limits.
Earlier series: 敝帚自珍还是明珠蒙尘? (II) and (I)
发帖数: 162

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
: 发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
: 标 题: The Origin of Chinese Humanist Tradition (770 BC- 86 BC)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 6 13:22:16 2013, 美东)
: These days, one only has to mention Chinese human rights to get snickers
: from Americans and the western media. Admit it, the Chinese culture is
: known for food, customs (some disturbing) and test-taking. But Chinese
: human rights? Oh Come on. Isn't that an oxymoron?
: Two great rivers ran through the Chinese Americans. The first river, the
: Western Democratic Tradition, originated in the Ancient Greece. This river

发帖数: 18403
Translate the pre-Qin dynasty essays (司马迁, 左传, 春秋, 战国策, 诸子百
1. Historians and Free Journalism in Pre-Qin Ancient China
2. Human Rights Practice in Pre-Qin China
3. Slavery in Law and Practice in Pre-Qin China
4. Diplomacy Protocols in Pre-Qin China
5. Military Protocol and Theories in Pre-Qin China
6. Science and Engineering in Pre-Qin China
7. Political Ethics and theorists in Pre-Qin China
8. Economics in Pre-Qin China
9. Arts in Pre-Qin China
10. The Rise and Fall of the Qin Empire and the end of China's Golden Age
1 (共1页)
滴水穿石,聚沙成塔,团结就是力量 -- 休斯顿抗议ABC,JK游行 (转载)tax reform
广告素材:关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)Chinese immigrant denied California law license gets one 1 (转载)
Posters asking for donations or sponsoring lawsuits (转载)征赈灾捐款sticker图片设计和poster图片设计
紧急求助Light up Harvard bridge for the SiChuan ppl
复旦讲坛:中国文化与信仰中国2013-06-03(星期一) 6:00pmPKUAA-NE Thanksgiving Outing
关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in (转载)世界清静了,推荐对付老大爷妙方:mitbbs id blocker (转载)
推荐个买房保险中介吧致 永远的微笑 - from Obama
MIT ETF seminar:Challenges of China's State-owned Enterprise Reform(free pizza)太惨了 求同情 求安慰包子
话题: chinese话题: qin话题: china话题: bc话题: pre