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Boston版 - White House on Jimmy Kimmel (转载)
拔鸡毛白忙乎了转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)
【华盟的愤怒】白宫 = ABC官方发言人,无视华人要求 (转载)美国人权斗士就Jimmy Kimmel事情应采取相应举措的建议 (转载)
广告素材:关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)回应白宫对煽动黑人抢劫中国人的回应 (转载)
ABC官方公开声明哎 这个哥哥都没有人肯收尸
Fire Kimmel, Protect our children !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!上报纸了。
100,000 Humorless Goons Signed petition (转载)~~~~~~~ 贴个LA Times 关于游行的报道的link ~~~~(转载)
系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与 (转载)三藩游行组织策划小组对于ABC道歉的公开信 (转载)
Speech at Houston Protest Against ABC - 精彩!dragon cup 2000 soccer tournament
话题: house话题: kimmel话题: white话题: jimmy话题: abc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1695
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bighead10 (北美渔民), 信区: Military
标 题: White House on Jimmy Kimmel
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 12 11:26:59 2014, 美东)
The White House has addressed a petition that denounces a Jimmy Kimmel Live
segment in which a child jokes about killing Chinese people to help erase
the U.S. debt.
"The Federal government cannot force ABC to remove this show," a statement
from the White House read. "The First Amendment of the Constitution protects
free speech, even if individuals might personally find it offensive or
distasteful. It may be upsetting when people say things we might personally
disagree with, but the principle of protected free speech is an important
part of who we are as a nation."
Celebrities who've survived scandal
The young boy's unscripted comment - "Kill everyone in China" - was made
during a sketch in which children commented on news events. Aimed at making
fun of childish politicians, the segment aired in October on Kimmel's late-
night show.
After a group called 80-20, which identifies itself as a pan-Asian-American
political organization, complained about the skit, ABC apologized in a
letter dated Oct. 25. In the letter, the network said it would never
purposefully do anything to upset the Chinese, Asian, or other communities.
ABC also said that the segment will be removed from future airings or any
other form of distribution, including online.
1 (共1页)
dragon cup 2000 soccer tournamentFire Kimmel, Protect our children !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H1回国签证的156 表问题100,000 Humorless Goons Signed petition (转载)
这里没有几个是咱博士蹲的啊系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与 (转载)
骂中国人的法国运动员说他爱中国人,可以和中国女孩做爱Speech at Houston Protest Against ABC - 精彩!
拔鸡毛白忙乎了转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)
【华盟的愤怒】白宫 = ABC官方发言人,无视华人要求 (转载)美国人权斗士就Jimmy Kimmel事情应采取相应举措的建议 (转载)
广告素材:关于Kimmel 游行的 poster, 24in-by-36in, (转载)回应白宫对煽动黑人抢劫中国人的回应 (转载)
ABC官方公开声明哎 这个哥哥都没有人肯收尸
话题: house话题: kimmel话题: white话题: jimmy话题: abc