
本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Bridge版 - Styles, strategy and tactics (5): opening
two suiter problem
1S-2C art relay to show real C GF or 3+ spadesGF
Styles, strategy and tactics (1): opening
Styles, strategy and tactics (4): responding
some hands in regional (1)
try another one
Problem with precision
Bidding after a reverse
谁能给讲讲2NT after 1H/S
what's your call?(1)
话题: rebidding话题: styles话题: tactics话题: bid话题: strategy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 623
* Rebidding considerations
In many cases, what to open is dictated by rebidding
This problem is especially obvious when you hold a 2-suiter,
while you expect to bid your 2nd suit on next turn, reality
often forbids you to do so.
Say, if you have S-C minimum to medium, and open 1S, you'll
be end-bid if partner responds 2D. You can't bid 3C and
rebidding S may be a distortion of your hand.
Generally if you have 2-majors or 2 minors you are less
concerned. If you have:
* S-D, H-D, r
1 (共1页)
what's your call?(1)
where to land?
structure after opener's jump rebid after 2/1
more on bidding(1)
more on bidding (2)
some common hands
how can you make this a disaster?
2 over 1?
Simple bidding question
Simple bidding question Follow-up
话题: rebidding话题: styles话题: tactics话题: bid话题: strategy