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Bridge版 - structure after opener's jump rebid after 2/1
where to land?问一个基本叫牌
some common handsSimple bidding question
NABC+ Swiss Team (6)Simple bidding question Follow-up
How to get the 7C?a slam bid problem
【每周一题】实例探讨A CTC deal
怎么叫what is your bidding?
单A的灾难interesting hand on bbo tonight
bid problem满贯叫牌
话题: rebid话题: 2c话题: suit话题: after话题: 4s
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3277
The jump rebid over partner's two over one game forcing shows a solid
suit and at least two controls outside the suit(which makes the hand slamish).
SAKQJxx HAxx Dxxx Cx
after 1S 2C,
bid 3S.
SAKQTxxx HKxx Dxx Cx,
bid 4S, not enough out side controls, it's good to bid 4S to show a hand
slightly better than 4S opening. It denies out side Aces.
After the jump rebid,
3NT: I have no outside Aces, but I do have some kings and primary trump
1S 2C
3S 3NT
4C: relay,
4D: D
发帖数: 71
Nice, learned a lot.
Back to the question raised, my question is if North holds solid diamond suit,
plus medium club support (Kxx, Q9x, or 10xxx), slam interest in either club or
diamond, after 1D-2C, what will you do?
I think in that example 1D-2C-3D-3NT, 4H must be a cuebid, in that sense, he
might want a spade 2nd round control (otherwise, blackwood will be much better
if he holds both heart and spade control, slam will almost be certain). I
think the most likely reason he did not try blackw

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: The jump rebid over partner's two over one game forcing shows a solid
: suit and at least two controls outside the suit(which makes the hand slamish).
: example:
: SAKQJxx HAxx Dxxx Cx
: after 1S 2C,
: bid 3S.
: SAKQTxxx HKxx Dxx Cx,
: bid 4S, not enough out side controls, it's good to bid 4S to show a hand
: slightly better than 4S opening. It denies out side Aces.
: After the jump rebid,

发帖数: 3277
I would bid 4C with C support. Although some partnership may play 4C
as RKC, I think it's more important to show partner your C support and
grandslam in C is still possible:
S- HAxx DAKQTxxx CKxx
SKJxx HQxx D- CAQJxxx
a good bidding sequence would be:
1D 2C
3D 3N
4C 4D(kick back RKC)
5S(sp void, odd number of KC) 7C
Here, I'd ratner play 4D after 3NT as a very strong slam try, partner should
usually bid 4H to check KC, something like: Sx HAKx DAKQJxxx Cxx
4H/4S still are natural and forcing,

【在 y****e 的大作中提到】
: Nice, learned a lot.
: Back to the question raised, my question is if North holds solid diamond suit,
: plus medium club support (Kxx, Q9x, or 10xxx), slam interest in either club or
: diamond, after 1D-2C, what will you do?
: I think in that example 1D-2C-3D-3NT, 4H must be a cuebid, in that sense, he
: might want a spade 2nd round control (otherwise, blackwood will be much better
: if he holds both heart and spade control, slam will almost be certain). I
: think the most likely reason he did not try blackw

发帖数: 623
For starters I think a better example of 4S rebid would be something like
KQJT9xx Kxx Kx x
to illustrate that the suit can play itself for 1 loser even facing a void,
but may not be immediately running.
If one does not have a failing memory, Namyats has its merit in such cases
(well its disadvantage is in other aspects...).
Also after jump, I like to play rebidding partner's suit as showing a filler,
that can often be key to slam when you have all the controls and still
couldn't be suit if you c

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: The jump rebid over partner's two over one game forcing shows a solid
: suit and at least two controls outside the suit(which makes the hand slamish).
: example:
: SAKQJxx HAxx Dxxx Cx
: after 1S 2C,
: bid 3S.
: SAKQTxxx HKxx Dxx Cx,
: bid 4S, not enough out side controls, it's good to bid 4S to show a hand
: slightly better than 4S opening. It denies out side Aces.
: After the jump rebid,

发帖数: 295

The structure is plausible. Be sure it fits your system.
I doubt this will work with your jumping rebid Axx xxx AKQJ10x x,
which is "enough" in your method. However, seems here the responder
has to bid 4D with a moderate hand. I just wonder how you are going
to manage to get 11 tricks in diamonds, comparing with the laid-down
9-trick 3NT, which can never be reached now. I hate useing artificial
examples. But sometime, it may help clearify the point.
Say, responder has a boring hand l

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: The jump rebid over partner's two over one game forcing shows a solid
: suit and at least two controls outside the suit(which makes the hand slamish).
: example:
: SAKQJxx HAxx Dxxx Cx
: after 1S 2C,
: bid 3S.
: SAKQTxxx HKxx Dxx Cx,
: bid 4S, not enough out side controls, it's good to bid 4S to show a hand
: slightly better than 4S opening. It denies out side Aces.
: After the jump rebid,

发帖数: 623

I guess I'm a bit uncomfortable to be forced to 4D with holdings of more than
2 D. In many case with a minimum 3N is still the last train. So 3N just denies
a cuebid and slam interest (for the time being), and shows broken major
As to a hand like Axx xxx AKQJTx x, it's a very good hand, surely better than
your average 18 counts. I don't see a problem of rebidding 3D after 2C. With
above pd's hand, a bidding such as:
1D 2C
3D 3H(H ace)
3S(S control) 3N (no further interest)
is con

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: slamish).
: The structure is plausible. Be sure it fits your system.
: I doubt this will work with your jumping rebid Axx xxx AKQJ10x x,
: which is "enough" in your method. However, seems here the responder
: has to bid 4D with a moderate hand. I just wonder how you are going
: to manage to get 11 tricks in diamonds, comparing with the laid-down
: 9-trick 3NT, which can never be reached now. I hate useing artificial
: examples. But sometime, it may help clearify the point.
: Say, responder has a boring hand l

发帖数: 3277

yeah. we now play 4S to show a independent suit.
hehe, SAKQTxxx HKx DJxx Cx even not enough for namyats I guess?
yes, should show at least Qx. cuebidding pd's suit usually
shows at least Qx. It's said that cuebid oneself's suit shows two honors,
AQ or AK,
I think it's workable.

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: I guess I'm a bit uncomfortable to be forced to 4D with holdings of more than
: 2 D. In many case with a minimum 3N is still the last train. So 3N just denies
: a cuebid and slam interest (for the time being), and shows broken major
: stoppers.
: As to a hand like Axx xxx AKQJTx x, it's a very good hand, surely better than
: your average 18 counts. I don't see a problem of rebidding 3D after 2C. With
: above pd's hand, a bidding such as:
: 1D 2C
: 3D 3H(H ace)

发帖数: 623
No, AKQTxxx Kx Jxx x qualifies for Namyats. The (original) general requirement
is that it's a 5 loser hand and there are no two quick losers in more than 1
suit. So AKQTxxx Kx Jx xx does not qualify as in contrast.

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: yeah. we now play 4S to show a independent suit.
: hehe, SAKQTxxx HKx DJxx Cx even not enough for namyats I guess?
: yes, should show at least Qx. cuebidding pd's suit usually
: shows at least Qx. It's said that cuebid oneself's suit shows two honors,
: AQ or AK,
: I think it's workable.

发帖数: 3277
Oh. I heard the defninition is about 8-8.5 tricks?
Anyway, I've never played namyats.

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: No, AKQTxxx Kx Jxx x qualifies for Namyats. The (original) general requirement
: is that it's a 5 loser hand and there are no two quick losers in more than 1
: suit. So AKQTxxx Kx Jx xx does not qualify as in contrast.

发帖数: 623
5+8=13? :-) I personally believe 7.5-8 is better. With 8.5 and a single major
suit you can often do well with 2C most of the time without worrying about
intervention or sac too much.


【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: Oh. I heard the defninition is about 8-8.5 tricks?
: Anyway, I've never played namyats.

1 (共1页)
【每周一题】 It's Your Call - 8/2/2010单A的灾难
叫牌问题(12)bid problem
where to land?问一个基本叫牌
some common handsSimple bidding question
NABC+ Swiss Team (6)Simple bidding question Follow-up
How to get the 7C?a slam bid problem
话题: rebid话题: 2c话题: suit话题: after话题: 4s