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Bridge版 - bridge in usa = table tennis in China
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话题: china话题: bridge话题: usa话题: us话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 89
few days ago, I read an article in www.creader.net said
"bridge in usa = table tennis in China".
and yesterday, when I met a player on BBO and had a little talk.
He is a bridge teacher in USA and he mark himself Expert in his profile.
When he know I am from missouri ( I live there), he said "Sometime a player
from missouri is much better the LM than other countries".
See, how americans are proud of their bridge.
发帖数: 623
This is an interesting observation. I think it's partly true that US has many
more good players than other countries -- in other words, the average
competition is probably much better in US than anywhere else -- probably due
to the fact that your bridge level is largely proportional to who you play
with. But given the increasing popularity of internet games, the chance of
finding decent games will not be related to region, so I think soon other
region will catch up seriously. In fact, I don't th

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: few days ago, I read an article in www.creader.net said
: "bridge in usa = table tennis in China".
: and yesterday, when I met a player on BBO and had a little talk.
: He is a bridge teacher in USA and he mark himself Expert in his profile.
: When he know I am from missouri ( I live there), he said "Sometime a player
: from missouri is much better the LM than other countries".
: See, how americans are proud of their bridge.

发帖数: 295
countries, such as China.
发帖数: 623
I don't think there's point to compare the strength of average LMs as that is
largely a systematic issue (i.e, how the LM is awarded). A more meaningful
comparison is the level of competition. For example, comparing a regional in
US with a provincial competition in China. My guess is the US regional would
be much more competitive, although I can't be sure as I've never attended a
latter one.


【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: countries, such as China.
1 (共1页)
Salute to cozofu & cucuBBO
A lucky misclickany online bridge-playing?
A hand on BBO.Anybody has bought Bridge Master from BBO?
how to bid昨晚
Once again有人打土乐门吗?
can your Pd make you angry?哪儿有初级书下载?
一点建议Which score system is popular
pls recommend a bridge softwareWho play at BBO?
话题: china话题: bridge话题: usa话题: us话题: he