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Bridge版 - Can you do better?
lead against 3NTa $1600 lead
long time no water here!Do you balance
What's your opinion?you choosed the way to hell, didn't you.
reopen?how will you play this slam
【每月一题】2013北美秋季大赛牌例what do u bid?
实战6NThow to play? hehe.
冒进3NTTake the money or what?
万全之策牌例Re: 强烈建议
话题: play话题: lho话题: west话题: s9话题: dq
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 642
IMP, Red vs white.
LHO opens 1D. Pard doubles. RHO bids 1S. You bid and declare 3NT.
CQ lead. 2, 4 to your K. You play S3, D3, A, 4.
A real world star did not make it. Can you do better?
发帖数: 2168
Sk, Sx, W受挤了吧

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: IMP, Red vs white.
: LHO opens 1D. Pard doubles. RHO bids 1S. You bid and declare 3NT.
: AK92
: KQ63
: Q4
: 932
: J753
: A2
: A962
: KT7

发帖数: 642
Congratulations, you beat Garozzo!
LHO holds

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: Sk, Sx, W受挤了吧
发帖数: 2804
That's your only hope anyway. If LHO has 5th club, you go down no matter
what. If LHO has 0-3-6-4 shape, there is no squeeze (after cashing clubs,
LHO exit with a heart). So you have to play LHO for 0-4-5-4.

【在 i****e 的大作中提到】
: Congratulations, you beat Garozzo!
: LHO holds
: -
: 8xxx
: Kxxxx
: AQJx

发帖数: 2168
If 0364, we can cash 3 hearts before exiting with C.
After winning D return, we play the last heart to throw RHO in.
Maybe that was Garazzo's play?

【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: That's your only hope anyway. If LHO has 5th club, you go down no matter
: what. If LHO has 0-3-6-4 shape, there is no squeeze (after cashing clubs,
: LHO exit with a heart). So you have to play LHO for 0-4-5-4.

发帖数: 642
Unfortunately, he cashed second high spade before he played hearts and club.

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: If 0364, we can cash 3 hearts before exiting with C.
: After winning D return, we play the last heart to throw RHO in.
: Maybe that was Garazzo's play?

发帖数: 20570
this line fails if west wins the first C and return DJ.

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: If 0364, we can cash 3 hearts before exiting with C.
: After winning D return, we play the last heart to throw RHO in.
: Maybe that was Garazzo's play?

发帖数: 2168
zan. DQ, the only entry to play 4th heart, was forced out before C was

【在 p***r 的大作中提到】
: this line fails if west wins the first C and return DJ.
发帖数: 2804
But I have D9. So I win DQ, play 3rd club, don't I still make? 2S, 3H, 3D,
1C, 9 tricks.
West needs to exit with a small D, not DJ, then beat it.

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: zan. DQ, the only entry to play 4th heart, was forced out before C was
: cleared.

发帖数: 20570
So that means this line works when east holds stiff DJ/T.

【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: But I have D9. So I win DQ, play 3rd club, don't I still make? 2S, 3H, 3D,
: 1C, 9 tricks.
: West needs to exit with a small D, not DJ, then beat it.

发帖数: 2168
You are right, D holding is important.
Suppose W plays a small D, we can still win DQ, hoping to drop E's singleton
T. After 3rd C, E has no C left so we can use SJ to throw him in (we have
S9). If on the other hand W cashes 4th C before returning D, we know we are
home if we saw E's T dropped earlier:)

【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: But I have D9. So I win DQ, play 3rd club, don't I still make? 2S, 3H, 3D,
: 1C, 9 tricks.
: West needs to exit with a small D, not DJ, then beat it.

发帖数: 2804
S9 is not important. If DQ drops E's singleton T or J,you are home even
without S9. Whether West cashes 4th C or not, he only has diamonds left to
play, and your D9 will score.
So, after SA wins at trick 2, you have choice of lines:
1) Play west for 0-4-5-4 shape. You will always make by squeezing west (
assuming west has CAQJ and DK, which is virtually certainty).
2) Play west for 0-3-6-4 shape, PLUS east to hold stiff DJ or D10. You cash
3 hearts first then throw in West with a club.
I would say that (1) is slightly more likely than (2).

【在 j*******e 的大作中提到】
: You are right, D holding is important.
: Suppose W plays a small D, we can still win DQ, hoping to drop E's singleton
: T. After 3rd C, E has no C left so we can use SJ to throw him in (we have
: S9). If on the other hand W cashes 4th C before returning D, we know we are
: home if we saw E's T dropped earlier:)

发帖数: 2168
I agree S9 is not important. What I meant is, you still have some small
chance even if DQ does not drop T/J, i.e. W makes a mistake by returning D
instead of cashing 4th C (which is unlikely but you never know) and then S9
comes into play.


【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: S9 is not important. If DQ drops E's singleton T or J,you are home even
: without S9. Whether West cashes 4th C or not, he only has diamonds left to
: play, and your D9 will score.
: So, after SA wins at trick 2, you have choice of lines:
: 1) Play west for 0-4-5-4 shape. You will always make by squeezing west (
: assuming west has CAQJ and DK, which is virtually certainty).
: 2) Play west for 0-3-6-4 shape, PLUS east to hold stiff DJ or D10. You cash
: 3 hearts first then throw in West with a club.
: I would say that (1) is slightly more likely than (2).

1 (共1页)
牌例Re: 强烈建议【每月一题】2013北美秋季大赛牌例
Reno系列之八 最后考验实战6NT
百慕大牌例: 4S做庄万全之策
lead against 3NTa $1600 lead
long time no water here!Do you balance
What's your opinion?you choosed the way to hell, didn't you.
reopen?how will you play this slam
话题: play话题: lho话题: west话题: s9话题: dq