

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
BuildingWeb版 - Website forward/mask problem.
godaddy注册后,怎么连接到host?如何一个host放2个不同domain,一个.com, 一个.net?
申请了个免费的domain,可是不会用。求助中!Free one year .asia domains
请教个域名问题,谢谢how to get shi site package? Is it free to get?
申请domain name的问题HELP: web hosting ---new guy
[转载] 如何把自己的DOMAIN 和WEB SPACE 连起来?domain name?
求助:Domain provider 和 web hosting 互推责任Re: domain name? (补充)
Question about domain name hibernation[转载] domain急问
$1 domain name (1 year) at Godaddy.com (转载)哪些免费的web hosting好?
话题: applied话题: domain话题: website话题: domains话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
I have applied two domain name.
I applied one from www.namezeros.com,
and I applied another one from www.godaddy.com (8.95$ per year now).
Then I forwarded the domain to my school's homepage.
But both of these domains can not be recognized from China or England.
Does that means the domains I have applied is only valid in USA only?
Thanks for further information.
发帖数: 320
Visitors from China will not be able to use URL Forwarding provided
by a lot US domain service providers because of a lot of fraud.

【在 x***i 的大作中提到】
: I have applied two domain name.
: I applied one from www.namezeros.com,
: and I applied another one from www.godaddy.com (8.95$ per year now).
: Then I forwarded the domain to my school's homepage.
: But both of these domains can not be recognized from China or England.
: Does that means the domains I have applied is only valid in USA only?
: Thanks for further information.

发帖数: 12
faint. That is 2 bad.
Do you know which domain service procider in USA can offer URL forward
service to Chinese visitors?

【在 j*****o 的大作中提到】
: Visitors from China will not be able to use URL Forwarding provided
: by a lot US domain service providers because of a lot of fraud.

1 (共1页)
哪些免费的web hosting好?[转载] 如何把自己的DOMAIN 和WEB SPACE 连起来?
Using a new domain name求助:Domain provider 和 web hosting 互推责任
question about Domain name.Question about domain name hibernation
someone interested in my domain name 兼回: 注册网站$1 domain name (1 year) at Godaddy.com (转载)
godaddy注册后,怎么连接到host?如何一个host放2个不同domain,一个.com, 一个.net?
申请了个免费的domain,可是不会用。求助中!Free one year .asia domains
请教个域名问题,谢谢how to get shi site package? Is it free to get?
申请domain name的问题HELP: web hosting ---new guy
话题: applied话题: domain话题: website话题: domains话题: china