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BuildingWeb版 - 怎样才能设计漂亮的网页
有从业余web designer转成正式的designer的吗?Re: please recommand a good shopping car
long term part-time web designer needed几个问题请教
CSS是什么东西Does IE7 support Chinese directory names and file names?
请人建一个公司网站大概需要多少银子? (转载)table在IE7中显示不正常,何故?
大家觉得这个微标设计的如何?有人用Angular 或Bootstrap 做前端吗
谁能简单介绍一下如何用Re: Help needed! transformation of Html <--> powerpoint slide?
话题: layout话题: design话题: css话题: book话题: web
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 755
最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
发帖数: 26819

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: 网页的技术方面我没有问题,但是美工不行,
: 最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
: 但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
: 觉的自己还是平面设计方面的基础不够,网页设计和印刷品的排版设计本质是一样的。
: 字体,色彩方面的知识太重要了。

发帖数: 301
html and css
发帖数: 1879

No need fansy arts to create decent and professional looking web
pages. Content matters.
I think that a good way is to do a lot of critics of your own
as well as other people's web page. You don't need to write
essays, but it is important to be able spell out the exact reasons
why a particular site is good / bad / mix.

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: 网页的技术方面我没有问题,但是美工不行,
: 最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
: 但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
: 觉的自己还是平面设计方面的基础不够,网页设计和印刷品的排版设计本质是一样的。
: 字体,色彩方面的知识太重要了。

发帖数: 359
提高是在不断地看别人的作品和peer review的过程中,入门的时候,有个好的老师或者
一个好的art director非常有用。

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: 网页的技术方面我没有问题,但是美工不行,
: 最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
: 但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
: 觉的自己还是平面设计方面的基础不够,网页设计和印刷品的排版设计本质是一样的。
: 字体,色彩方面的知识太重要了。

发帖数: 359

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: 网页的技术方面我没有问题,但是美工不行,
: 最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
: 但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
: 觉的自己还是平面设计方面的基础不够,网页设计和印刷品的排版设计本质是一样的。
: 字体,色彩方面的知识太重要了。

发帖数: 1027
1. html + css standard, 尽量用 tableless laytout, 因为是业内的标准.
2. 使用流行的设计元素,比如 gradient, transparency, reflection 等流行的设计元
素,让人一看就知道是新型的网站设计,如果看着象 1999 年的网站就落伍了.
3. 和谐的颜色搭配, 这太重要了, 颜色要搭配,要能突出主题,又能 体现
发帖数: 1027
这其实是个永恒的话题,就是 non-designer 是否应该去 art school
发帖数: 755
I used to think the same way. but now I know it is not enough.
If you read Robin's book, you will know what I am talking about.
Those designers do not go to an art school for 4 years without a reason.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: No need fansy arts to create decent and professional looking web
: pages. Content matters.
: I think that a good way is to do a lot of critics of your own
: as well as other people's web page. You don't need to write
: essays, but it is important to be able spell out the exact reasons
: why a particular site is good / bad / mix.

发帖数: 359
我觉得他说的有道理,只不过designers go to art school for 4 years,就是比常人
simple design doesn't mean no design,看看有些看着舒服的网站,根本就没有用什

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: I used to think the same way. but now I know it is not enough.
: If you read Robin's book, you will know what I am talking about.
: Those designers do not go to an art school for 4 years without a reason.

请人建一个公司网站大概需要多少银子? (转载)Re: please recommand a good shopping car
谁能简单介绍一下如何用Does IE7 support Chinese directory names and file names?
发帖数: 755
Here is an example Robin used to illustrate the importance of layout.
There are many similar examples in her book which is very helpful.
Because you see "why" one is better and "how" you can do better.

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: I used to think the same way. but now I know it is not enough.
: If you read Robin's book, you will know what I am talking about.
: Those designers do not go to an art school for 4 years without a reason.

发帖数: 1027
nobody from this forum will be 能够引导潮流的人. :)
I'll be very happy just to follow the trends.
发帖数: 1027
that's a good example of effective trendy design

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: Here is an example Robin used to illustrate the importance of layout.
: There are many similar examples in her book which is very helpful.
: Because you see "why" one is better and "how" you can do better.

发帖数: 603
一点编程。 但我觉得, 如果真的professional行业,大家分工很有好处,一个人精力
作经验,另外他每天都在关心设计潮流等等, 相同的一个好的程序员也要天天学习新
东西。 不过大家相互都了解一些,很有好处。

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: 网页的技术方面我没有问题,但是美工不行,
: 最近看了Robin Williams 的 The Non-Designer's Design Book 很有启发,
: 但感觉内容还是不够深入,她的The Non-Designer's Web Book 太基本了,
: 觉的自己还是平面设计方面的基础不够,网页设计和印刷品的排版设计本质是一样的。
: 字体,色彩方面的知识太重要了。

发帖数: 359
haha 看来要少混论坛

【在 b****u 的大作中提到】
: nobody from this forum will be 能够引导潮流的人. :)
: I'll be very happy just to follow the trends.

发帖数: 359

【在 n*******2 的大作中提到】
: 哈,如果你们都学会了。那我们这些上了4-6年美术设计课的不要活了。最近我也在学
: 一点编程。 但我觉得, 如果真的professional行业,大家分工很有好处,一个人精力
: 有限,你所有都做不一定能够做到都最好。一个好的设计师,要受好几年教育,加上工
: 作经验,另外他每天都在关心设计潮流等等, 相同的一个好的程序员也要天天学习新
: 东西。 不过大家相互都了解一些,很有好处。

发帖数: 1879

Wrong. Tableless layout actually has a lot of disadvantage of cross
brower support. There is no more standard than the customer satisfaction,
which is in general usability on IE, Firefox and Safari. In fact,
tables have so much advantages it will never be out of HTML standard.
Nope. Transparency is not well supported on IE. Many xhtml + css
effects can be mimic-ed using various approaches. The importance
is being creative.
I worked on a custom application and the boss said it looks just l

【在 b****u 的大作中提到】
: 我有同感,在美工上觉得吃力.
: 多看范例和学习自己喜欢的网站设计很重要,不能只看不练手
: 页面设计方面,我觉得要抓住以下几点:
: 1. html + css standard, 尽量用 tableless laytout, 因为是业内的标准.
: 2. 使用流行的设计元素,比如 gradient, transparency, reflection 等流行的设计元
: 素,让人一看就知道是新型的网站设计,如果看着象 1999 年的网站就落伍了.
: 3. 和谐的颜色搭配, 这太重要了, 颜色要搭配,要能突出主题,又能 体现

发帖数: 1879
lol, did you understand what he is saying here? He is saying that
you need to spell out what is good / bad of your design, just like
I said.
You can design a good web site without using fansy graphics. Using
the right combinations of color and font that creates a unique,
comfortable theme is enough.
Take some good hard looks at Google web sites. Fansy graphics
does not mean elegance.

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: Here is an example Robin used to illustrate the importance of layout.
: There are many similar examples in her book which is very helpful.
: Because you see "why" one is better and "how" you can do better.

发帖数: 755
don't know what you try to say here.
but that is exactly what I want to learn, I don't care about fancy graphic
at all, I think layout/typography is more important.
The question is: Can you learn to be "elegant"?
Robin's book is the only one I know which combine the traditional "design"
with web page authoring.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: lol, did you understand what he is saying here? He is saying that
: you need to spell out what is good / bad of your design, just like
: I said.
: You can design a good web site without using fansy graphics. Using
: the right combinations of color and font that creates a unique,
: comfortable theme is enough.
: Take some good hard looks at Google web sites. Fansy graphics
: does not mean elegance.

发帖数: 359
"web page authoring" is more or less just a skill
learn to design first
then learn the limits of web or print, whatever
take the image you pasted for example,
can you tell why the second one is better than the first one?
usually that's how you learn how to design

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: don't know what you try to say here.
: but that is exactly what I want to learn, I don't care about fancy graphic
: at all, I think layout/typography is more important.
: The question is: Can you learn to be "elegant"?
: Robin's book is the only one I know which combine the traditional "design"
: with web page authoring.

Div+Css做网页有人用Angular 或Bootstrap 做前端吗
innerHtml的问题Re: Help needed! transformation of Html <--> powerpoint slide?
table在IE7中显示不正常,何故?can PHP do this??
发帖数: 755
Robin actually explained that in her book, that is why I liked it,
She talked a lot about typography in her book which might not apply to
web page at all.
I don't feel that book is enough. but book like hers are rare.
Most of web design books do not really talk about "design".

【在 l****e 的大作中提到】
: "web page authoring" is more or less just a skill
: learn to design first
: then learn the limits of web or print, whatever
: take the image you pasted for example,
: can you tell why the second one is better than the first one?
: usually that's how you learn how to design

发帖数: 1027
1. there's a difference of using table to present data and use table for
layout purposes. what I'm talking about is the latter. table layout is not
the html standard. as stated by w3c, table should be used for presenting
tabular data only. layout is not tabular data, it's not even data. table has
served its purposes in 1999. but modern browsers are designed to work
faster and more consistently with div layout. cross browser support is one
big reason of why one should use div layout. different cs

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: lol, did you understand what he is saying here? He is saying that
: you need to spell out what is good / bad of your design, just like
: I said.
: You can design a good web site without using fansy graphics. Using
: the right combinations of color and font that creates a unique,
: comfortable theme is enough.
: Take some good hard looks at Google web sites. Fansy graphics
: does not mean elegance.

发帖数: 359
Then read some design book, esp. Typography books.
Once you learn the principles, it is easy to apply with the technique.

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: Robin actually explained that in her book, that is why I liked it,
: She talked a lot about typography in her book which might not apply to
: chinese
: web page at all.
: I don't feel that book is enough. but book like hers are rare.
: Most of web design books do not really talk about "design".

发帖数: 1879

You need to understand the severe limitation of html / css. There is
simply no way to have "auto-height" for div elements (i.e. automatic
height adjustment). Table is not just the most reliable way to go, easiest
way to go, but often the only way to go in many layouts as well as
composition of elements.
IE7 still did not address the transparency well, and it is NOT part
of css standard yet. Even then, its usage is severely limited. A
lot of time, people just go to fla

【在 b****u 的大作中提到】
: 1. there's a difference of using table to present data and use table for
: layout purposes. what I'm talking about is the latter. table layout is not
: the html standard. as stated by w3c, table should be used for presenting
: tabular data only. layout is not tabular data, it's not even data. table has
: served its purposes in 1999. but modern browsers are designed to work
: faster and more consistently with div layout. cross browser support is one
: big reason of why one should use div layout. different cs

发帖数: 755
Also people use flash because of fonts, with html, you don't really have
many choices in terms of fonts.
发帖数: 1027
I do understand the limitation of html / css, there are always limitations,
but that does not stop div css layout to become dominant. in fact, prime
time of css and div has already arrived. look at this way, there won't be
any web design firm hire someone who only knows table layout. it's simply
like that.


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: has
: You need to understand the severe limitation of html / css. There is
: simply no way to have "auto-height" for div elements (i.e. automatic
: height adjustment). Table is not just the most reliable way to go, easiest
: way to go, but often the only way to go in many layouts as well as
: composition of elements.
: transparency
: .
: but

发帖数: 159
发帖数: 177

I was having the same impression as the above mentioned, but later
I found most of them are from inproper use of CSS..

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: has
: You need to understand the severe limitation of html / css. There is
: simply no way to have "auto-height" for div elements (i.e. automatic
: height adjustment). Table is not just the most reliable way to go, easiest
: way to go, but often the only way to go in many layouts as well as
: composition of elements.
: transparency
: .
: but

发帖数: 16
If you can't use html/css to build your page layout, you need to study more.
Have you ever heard a screen reader reads out a page with table layout? If
you haven't, I think you really should go have a try.


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: has
: You need to understand the severe limitation of html / css. There is
: simply no way to have "auto-height" for div elements (i.e. automatic
: height adjustment). Table is not just the most reliable way to go, easiest
: way to go, but often the only way to go in many layouts as well as
: composition of elements.
: transparency
: .
: but

1 (共1页)
Re: Help needed! transformation of Html <--> powerpoint slide?寻找美工
can PHP do this??请人建一个公司网站大概需要多少银子? (转载)
有从业余web designer转成正式的designer的吗?Re: please recommand a good shopping car
long term part-time web designer needed几个问题请教
CSS是什么东西Does IE7 support Chinese directory names and file names?
话题: layout话题: design话题: css话题: book话题: web