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BuildingWeb版 - Request a quote for company Web and Logo design
please recommend some excellent personal homepages~~~[转载] Recommend me a good Dreamweaver book please
DIV+CSS怎么取代sortable TableHow to automatically reload the webpage?
简单的jquery/table/mysql网站模版help, javawebserver一问
不用JS怎么做菜单?[转载] tripod的是怎么了?
[转载] Re: 申请BuildingWeb, BFHow to add the password to a homepage?
how to get pop window to ask for password without showing my index pageAny free web host support Servlet?
chinese in IE but can not read in NSwelcome, friends
HELP: web hosting ---new guyHelp
话题: logo话题: company话题: web话题: customer话题: product
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11693
We are a startup Biotchnology company and are going to build up our own
website. If you are a professional designer for web and logo, please give me
a quote for the following reuirements. Please also provide your company
information and your works for previous customers.
I may not reply for every email, sorry.
Web Requirements
1. Homepage with professional art design and rotating pictures for a
Biotechnology company
2. Custom shopping cart
3. Online payment system (Credit card and/or PayPal)
4. Customer database
a. Customer registration
b. Customer login, profile review, setting change, order history review
c. Links to customer database in local computer
5. Section1: Products.
a. Sortable (by product name or catalog number)
b. Searchable (by product name or catalog number)
c. Updatable (add/remove product, price update…)
d. Each product has one page to show detail and a link to download PDF
files of manual and safety document (start from 30 products, maximal ~200-
300 products)
6. Section2: About Us. 1-2 pages
7. Section3: Technical Support. 2-3 pages
8. Section4: How to order. 3-5 pages
9. Section5: Contact Us. 1 page
10. Server host pick
11. Company emails
12. We have domain already
Logo requirements
1. Concept 1: Letter “U” or “Ub” is outstanding as the letter of the
2. Concept 2 : The logo will have an abstract icon of a chain
1 (共1页)
Help[转载] Re: 申请BuildingWeb, BF
comparison of homepage development tools???how to get pop window to ask for password without showing my index page
win2000 webserver questionchinese in IE but can not read in NS
How to set the file name of the homepage main indHELP: web hosting ---new guy
please recommend some excellent personal homepages~~~[转载] Recommend me a good Dreamweaver book please
DIV+CSS怎么取代sortable TableHow to automatically reload the webpage?
简单的jquery/table/mysql网站模版help, javawebserver一问
不用JS怎么做菜单?[转载] tripod的是怎么了?
话题: logo话题: company话题: web话题: customer话题: product