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Business版 - 组织为国忠报仇了
曾子墨书里的大bug (转载)what GMAT score is needed to apply for Stern Part-time MBA?
Jennifer Xujia Wang & Ruben Chen求高人指教,,会计学Phd,还是MBA
Morgan Stanley 美国区首席经济学家 Richard Berner对当前美国经济的看法Lean six sigma
Morgan Stanley 的MANAGER收入大概多少??bonus on Wall Street this year
请问Morgan Stanley的 Financial Training Program。摩根斯坦利暑期实习招聘(转载)
zt The Twin Bubblesfinancial advisor
Original Email From Andy XieM/B/B GCG Base Salary?
MBA or MFE, 求意见打听个事(关于Duke MBA毕业去向)
话题: stanley话题: xie话题: morgan话题: two话题: andy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 176
Ax falls on two at Morgan Stanley who forwarded Andy Xie internal email
Two Morgan Stanley employees are being shown the door after it was
disclosed that they forwarded an internal Morgan Stanley email outside the
firm, costing its popular chief economist in Asia, Andy Xie, his job. The
Sept 18 email, penned by Xie, included derogatory comments about Singapore,
suggesting that their success at globalization is attributable to money
laundering. The two will be leaving in January, so they'll
1 (共1页)
打听个事(关于Duke MBA毕业去向)请问Morgan Stanley的 Financial Training Program。
就是觉得奇怪,4流学校?zt The Twin Bubbles
career path: from an investment firm to in-house (转载)Original Email From Andy Xie
反日为什么要砸车的秘密MBA or MFE, 求意见
曾子墨书里的大bug (转载)what GMAT score is needed to apply for Stern Part-time MBA?
Jennifer Xujia Wang & Ruben Chen求高人指教,,会计学Phd,还是MBA
Morgan Stanley 美国区首席经济学家 Richard Berner对当前美国经济的看法Lean six sigma
Morgan Stanley 的MANAGER收入大概多少??bonus on Wall Street this year
话题: stanley话题: xie话题: morgan话题: two话题: andy