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Business版 - Re: which concentration in MBA is best for Chinese?
询问一下商科PhD的情况,TOP100的是否值得读?哪位对health care MBA了解阿
MBA concentration生物博士毕业读生物项目管理方面的MBA求推荐
MBA Diaries...大家给说说,MBA毕业后的去向。
商学院博士生真的没地位MBA推荐信--current employer
求bless: lg在商学院真是混的不咋样啊35岁读MBA晚吗?
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话题: mba话题: chinese话题: your话题: best
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 87
I don't think a "best" concentration exists. It all depends on where your
strengths lie... after all, an MBA degree is supposed to give you the
management background to perform in an environment that suits your
personality, and one in which you can maximize your opportunity to excel.
发帖数: 413
right. It's not a degree to just help you land your first job. Otherwise,
you can go to some vocational program. MBA education is to teach you to how
to think and develop your problem-solving skills for your whole career.
People just put too much emphasis on short-term benefit. We should ask
ourselves what we want to become 10 years later? What role do I want to play
in an organization, or more abstract, in the society? Concentration doesn't
matter at all in long term, even not in short term

【在 k***a 的大作中提到】
: I don't think a "best" concentration exists. It all depends on where your
: strengths lie... after all, an MBA degree is supposed to give you the
: management background to perform in an environment that suits your
: personality, and one in which you can maximize your opportunity to excel.

发帖数: 9
For most people,sadly, MBA is used as a way to land a dream job in Investment
banking or Management consulting. Believe it or not, business is a vocational
school, though some people prefer to call it professional school. MBA
education is not fundumentally different from those subject of hard science.
Maybe a blend of soft and hard-core quantitative subjects.
If you are a person knows what do you want to do ten years from now. You
really don't need a MBA. 85% of bschool students have no clue wh

【在 l********e 的大作中提到】
: right. It's not a degree to just help you land your first job. Otherwise,
: you can go to some vocational program. MBA education is to teach you to how
: to think and develop your problem-solving skills for your whole career.
: People just put too much emphasis on short-term benefit. We should ask
: ourselves what we want to become 10 years later? What role do I want to play
: in an organization, or more abstract, in the society? Concentration doesn't
: matter at all in long term, even not in short term

发帖数: 45
//hankd koala
I wonder why people still keep asking such questions as" Is this major easy to
get a job" after internet bubble busted.
CS was so hot before, everyone could get an offer before. So what? you might
lose ur job 2 years later. Maybe you are lucky and keep your position, then?
I saw so many around 40-year-old software engineers , they are still software
engineers, or senior engineers. And they don't like their jobs. Jobs to them
are just routines and kill their times.
It's true that m

【在 k***a 的大作中提到】
: I don't think a "best" concentration exists. It all depends on where your
: strengths lie... after all, an MBA degree is supposed to give you the
: management background to perform in an environment that suits your
: personality, and one in which you can maximize your opportunity to excel.

发帖数: 87
hehe, I am glad to see that there are people on this board who see things from
more than a single perspective.
Really, having a well-rounded set of skills will allow you to be ready for
fluctuations in the job market that may arise from time to time, and prepare
yourself so you can take advantage of better opportunities.


【在 p****m 的大作中提到】
: //hankd koala
: I wonder why people still keep asking such questions as" Is this major easy to
: get a job" after internet bubble busted.
: CS was so hot before, everyone could get an offer before. So what? you might
: lose ur job 2 years later. Maybe you are lucky and keep your position, then?
: I saw so many around 40-year-old software engineers , they are still software
: engineers, or senior engineers. And they don't like their jobs. Jobs to them
: are just routines and kill their times.
: It's true that m

发帖数: 87
I think what you've said is true for your situation, and as you said, it is
"your two cents."
Too often we take for granted that own assumptions apply to the overall
Therefore it is perhaps necessary to remind you that not everyone here is a
foreigner, and while it is true that a large portion of the readers on this
bbs are of that category, it is not fair to assume that every reader fits into
that category.
After all, it's our different and unique experiences that add value to this
发帖数: 1
Don't get mad, xinhongying :). Personally I think your suggestions have been
very helpful for me. Although I haven't heard from the school I applied and I
don't have much confidence either, I may consider take two majors if I were
admitted just like what you said. MBA has different meaning for everyone, for
me, it's an opportunity to explore my interests and increase the possibility
to locate a job.
~{!>~} ~{TZ~} xinhongying (~{PB:hS%~}) ~{5D4sWwVPLa5=~}: ~{!?~}
发帖数: 335
This is a very bad question. You should ask which concentration iin MBA is
best for your personality and past experience.
I saw a great variety in the personalities and characters among Chinese MBA
students, and that's the decisive element in job hunting. Normally, the more
open, the more aggressive, the more sophisticated, the better for MBAs. If you
pocess these plus good language capabiilty (especially oral), it does not
matter what your concentration is.
At last, communication skill is a mus

【在 c********n 的大作中提到】
: Don't get mad, xinhongying :). Personally I think your suggestions have been
: very helpful for me. Although I haven't heard from the school I applied and I
: don't have much confidence either, I may consider take two majors if I were
: admitted just like what you said. MBA has different meaning for everyone, for
: me, it's an opportunity to explore my interests and increase the possibility
: to locate a job.
: ~{!>~} ~{TZ~} xinhongying (~{PB:hS%~}) ~{5D4sWwVPLa5=~}: ~{!?~}
: agreement
: ~{!?~}
: a

1 (共1页)
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询问一下商科PhD的情况,TOP100的是否值得读?哪位对health care MBA了解阿
MBA concentration生物博士毕业读生物项目管理方面的MBA求推荐
MBA Diaries...大家给说说,MBA毕业后的去向。
商学院博士生真的没地位MBA推荐信--current employer
话题: mba话题: chinese话题: your话题: best