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Business版 - 请教一个问题
job market for Finance Ph.D.Has anyone gotten any offers yet?
Re: FINANCE PH.D 毕业后到底好不好找工作?请教大牛: 这是不是代表offer被收回了?
拿到一个3流或者至多二流学校的BUSINESS SCHOOL PHD的OFFER,要去读吗?接受OFFER了还能违约么?
Ph.D. Offer: >50 Finance V.S. <10 risk managementMBA OFFER
有谁知道unit offering(貌似是IPO的一种形式)的定义是什么?帮国内朋友问,关于工科与商科PhD的选择。
Offer二选一:GM 还是Thomson? (转载)received admission offers and need help to make the decision
请教:有无拿到 JOHNSON&JOHNSON 回国OFFER 的, 薪水一般是多少? 谢谢 请教一个global capital markets 的问题
金融phd在美国好找工作吗Sold all GLD
话题: because话题: global话题: capital话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 572
Which of the following statements is NOT correct with respect to global
capital markets today
A. the euro,the dollar, the yen and other currencies are used for
international bank loans and bond offerings
B. When a Eurodollar deposit is created, the US money supply shrinks because
the dollars went abroad.
C. More than half of the Eurocurrency deposits are interbank transactions.
D. Because they tend to have smaller regulatory costs than most national
banking systems, global capital market can off
1 (共1页)
Sold all GLD有谁知道unit offering(貌似是IPO的一种形式)的定义是什么?
AAPL is a shrinking STOCKOffer二选一:GM 还是Thomson? (转载)
人生不如意,十有八九请教:有无拿到 JOHNSON&JOHNSON 回国OFFER 的, 薪水一般是多少? 谢谢
Questions for shrinked wool sweater金融phd在美国好找工作吗
job market for Finance Ph.D.Has anyone gotten any offers yet?
Re: FINANCE PH.D 毕业后到底好不好找工作?请教大牛: 这是不是代表offer被收回了?
拿到一个3流或者至多二流学校的BUSINESS SCHOOL PHD的OFFER,要去读吗?接受OFFER了还能违约么?
Ph.D. Offer: >50 Finance V.S. <10 risk managementMBA OFFER
话题: because话题: global话题: capital话题: when