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Business版 - 问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
关于payback period的问题How long did you prepare for the GMAT
Think twice! Accounting program applicants.CFA五套官方样题是不是就是个传说啊!!!
after-tax operating cash flow (转载)housing market is needed - BAOZI will be given for appreciation
各位考cfa的朋友,你们心情好吗请问怎样取得这些 Series 7,63,86, and 87 licenses 呢?,
Re: which concentration in MBA is best for Chinese?请教一下"update & balance a model"
Re: 金融大牛是怎样定义的?问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
Any thoughts/suggestions on MBA application would greatly appreciated问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
Please recommend some business/finance books问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
话题: firm话题: exposure话题: economic话题: currency
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 767
经济版的大牛牛们,能不能帮我看看下面的问题? 谢谢了!
讨论的是economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuations
当local currency appreciates,那么transactions that influence the firm's cash
inflows 会怎样?
case 1. Firm's imported supples denominated in local currency - increase,
decease or no change?
case 2. Firm's imported supplies denominated in foreign currency - increase,
decease or no change?
Please help!!!! Thanks again!!!
1 (共1页)
问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuationsRe: which concentration in MBA is best for Chinese?
新手请教问题Re: 金融大牛是怎样定义的?
中华人民共和国政府加大人民币浮动幅度Any thoughts/suggestions on MBA application would greatly appreciated
Should I long EUR/CHF?Please recommend some business/finance books
关于payback period的问题How long did you prepare for the GMAT
Think twice! Accounting program applicants.CFA五套官方样题是不是就是个传说啊!!!
after-tax operating cash flow (转载)housing market is needed - BAOZI will be given for appreciation
各位考cfa的朋友,你们心情好吗请问怎样取得这些 Series 7,63,86, and 87 licenses 呢?,
话题: firm话题: exposure话题: economic话题: currency