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CS版 - A question on Duda's book of Pattern Classification (转载)
A question on pattern recognition (转载)求文章:PAC Learning with Constant-Partition Classification Noise and Applications to Decision Tree Indu
谁能推荐本pattern recognition的书有个问题问下各位做machine learning的朋友
在machine learning 里, clustering 和 classification 有什么区别?关于使用weka的问题
来个比较Challenging的学术问题关于用self-organizing map 作classification
请问板上有人对gaussian process熟吗比bag-of-words或N-gram 更好的方法
Pattern recognition problem (转载)问一个有关用LIBSVM 做text classification 的问题
Classification里哪些方法比较常使用bayesian inference?[转载] 问个 pattern recognition 的人
Re: 三鹿两次要求百度屏蔽负面 连遭百度拒绝 (转载)[转载] Re: 问个 pattern recognition 的人
话题: duda话题: pattern话题: book话题: question
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 165
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: webuser (webuser), 信区: EE
标 题: A question on Duda's book of Pattern Classification
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 6 20:50:55 2007)
I'm preparing the Ph.D qualify exam, and pattern recognition is a part of
the exam. I wonder if someone can provide some information about where I can
find solutions to the problems in Duda's book. These problems are great. I
really wanna find the solutions. Thanks.
1 (共1页)
[转载] Re: 问个 pattern recognition 的人请问板上有人对gaussian process熟吗
Latex 问题:如何定义表格中文字和表格线之间的距离?Pattern recognition problem (转载)
SVM clusteringClassification里哪些方法比较常使用bayesian inference?
Licensed and Licensed-exempt WiMAXRe: 三鹿两次要求百度屏蔽负面 连遭百度拒绝 (转载)
A question on pattern recognition (转载)求文章:PAC Learning with Constant-Partition Classification Noise and Applications to Decision Tree Indu
谁能推荐本pattern recognition的书有个问题问下各位做machine learning的朋友
在machine learning 里, clustering 和 classification 有什么区别?关于使用weka的问题
来个比较Challenging的学术问题关于用self-organizing map 作classification
话题: duda话题: pattern话题: book话题: question