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CS版 - About testing of uniform distribution
谁知道 一致有限性 英语怎么翻? 谢了.舔香脓和突零的,都是洋屌疯 (转载)
PROOF -- Re: EE challenge CSTransportation problem
Re: 请教一个 graph connectivity 的问题问个概率问题
EM 算法[合集] How to sort a singly linked list in O(n) time?
懂scale-invariant field或者图像处理的朋友请看进来 (转载)请教一道作业题, 感觉老师给的答案有问题
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Grid, Cluster, P2P, WS问一个算法
话题: test话题: my话题: uniform话题: about话题: grid
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 51
My problem is to test if a set of point in 3D space are uniformly
distributed in a spatial region. I did a google
search and found something like Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. My
question is: what is the
computational complexity of running this test in terms of the number of
points N? Are there any C libraries
that implemented this? Links to a tutorial of such tests will also be
appreciated. Thanks.
发帖数: 5159
I do not know this test but I know another test that works nicely.
Supposed you have N points in the 3D unit cube. Make a sqrt(N,3)x sqrt(N,3)x
sqrt(N,3) grid in the unit cube. Test how many grid cube contains more than
1 points and how many contains no point, if this number is higher than some
thresh hold (very low but I forget - can be done through a learning using
Bayesian decision rule), you will see the uniformity of the points by making
use of the geometry information.
This can extend to n

【在 t******t 的大作中提到】
: My problem is to test if a set of point in 3D space are uniformly
: distributed in a spatial region. I did a google
: search and found something like Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. My
: question is: what is the
: computational complexity of running this test in terms of the number of
: points N? Are there any C libraries
: that implemented this? Links to a tutorial of such tests will also be
: appreciated. Thanks.

发帖数: 470
I don't think this is a good test.
just by a similar argument of coupon collector problem, only 1-1/e grid will
be nonempty if the distr is truly uniform. One the other hand a lot of other
weird distr will behave the same way.
One way is to throw NlogN point and test whether each grid has (1+-\epsilon)
points, If it is uniform ,then this should happen w.h.p.
However, I don't this is standing on a solid ground neither. you need
Goodness-of-Fit Test type of stuff.


【在 s*****g 的大作中提到】
: I do not know this test but I know another test that works nicely.
: Supposed you have N points in the 3D unit cube. Make a sqrt(N,3)x sqrt(N,3)x
: sqrt(N,3) grid in the unit cube. Test how many grid cube contains more than
: 1 points and how many contains no point, if this number is higher than some
: thresh hold (very low but I forget - can be done through a learning using
: Bayesian decision rule), you will see the uniformity of the points by making
: use of the geometry information.
: This can extend to n

发帖数: 5159
You are right. My algorithm needs further refinement. It was a small course
project I did years ago and I could only remember a framework.
The reason we introduce a grid metric is that we need to use the geometry
information, rather than vectors with independent dimensional components.


【在 l******e 的大作中提到】
: I don't think this is a good test.
: just by a similar argument of coupon collector problem, only 1-1/e grid will
: be nonempty if the distr is truly uniform. One the other hand a lot of other
: weird distr will behave the same way.
: One way is to throw NlogN point and test whether each grid has (1+-\epsilon)
: logN
: points, If it is uniform ,then this should happen w.h.p.
: However, I don't this is standing on a solid ground neither. you need
: Goodness-of-Fit Test type of stuff.

1 (共1页)
问一个算法EM 算法
几道算法题求教懂scale-invariant field或者图像处理的朋友请看进来 (转载)
问一个machine learning/SVM 问题P v.s. NP problem
请教大家一个问题Grid, Cluster, P2P, WS
谁知道 一致有限性 英语怎么翻? 谢了.舔香脓和突零的,都是洋屌疯 (转载)
PROOF -- Re: EE challenge CSTransportation problem
Re: 请教一个 graph connectivity 的问题问个概率问题
话题: test话题: my话题: uniform话题: about话题: grid