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CS版 - Deloitte德勤校园初面求教 包子酬谢!!
[转载]我所知道的Systems会议Job opening in CT: Software Quality Engineer
Information system job opportunity大家觉得software testing的出路好么?
web developer这行竞争很激烈? (转载)[分享]:计算机行业入行后的十大职业发展方向
[转载] tester面试请问一个图的分解问题
Job opening in CT: Software Quality Engineer/TesterHow to find all cycles in a directed graph?
纠结呀 请教各位大侠 计算机硕士还是会计硕士Re: How to find all cycles in a directed
cs phd, Industry == Coding么?请教笔记本重装后出现的一个问题。(有包子酬谢)
话题: business话题: ba话题: life话题: cycle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 109
如题 on campus interview第一轮
职位是business technology analyst
context: 3周以前德勤在我们学校举行了career fair 我去参加 和一名主管交谈了一
下 他说会根据我的简历和我当天和他谈话的情况决定是否给我这次面试机会
现在我有了这个面试机会 就是两三天以后了 所以上来求教几个问题
1。 有没有同学以前面过这个职位 这个职位的面试大概会问一些什么样的问题
2。 我上网查到会给一个案例让面试者分析 我现在不清楚会涉及什么样的案例
3。 我查到一个过往的案例 是让面试者运用 “Systems Development Life Cycle”方
法来分析一个银行的transaction system。我看了有关 Systems Development Life
Cycle 的东西,但是不知道怎么下手,希望有经验的朋友支支招。
4. 这个behavioral question:"Tell me about a time when you had to lead a
team." 应该怎么答比较好。
小弟已经连续找工作大半年了 现在焦头烂额 所以很珍惜这次机会 请前辈们不吝赐教
发帖数: 11249

【在 C*****x 的大作中提到】
: 如题 on campus interview第一轮
: 职位是business technology analyst
: context: 3周以前德勤在我们学校举行了career fair 我去参加 和一名主管交谈了一
: 下 他说会根据我的简历和我当天和他谈话的情况决定是否给我这次面试机会
: 现在我有了这个面试机会 就是两三天以后了 所以上来求教几个问题
: 1。 有没有同学以前面过这个职位 这个职位的面试大概会问一些什么样的问题
: 2。 我上网查到会给一个案例让面试者分析 我现在不清楚会涉及什么样的案例
: 3。 我查到一个过往的案例 是让面试者运用 “Systems Development Life Cycle”方
: 法来分析一个银行的transaction system。我看了有关 Systems Development Life
: Cycle 的东西,但是不知道怎么下手,希望有经验的朋友支支招。

发帖数: 81
1. This is a Business Analyst role in SDLC (should be called Software
Development Life Cycle) team.
SDLC is driven by requirements. Business Analyst is responsible to create
the requirement documentation.
Then Developer implements the requirements according to BA's work.
Tester tests the requirements according to BA's work.
Business Unit tests the application.
Project Manager controls the whole progress of this process.
What you need is to understand is the business and describe the business need.
2. There will be all kinds situations for BA.
e.g. business people may tell you "we need to record our checks received
from clients". Your documentation should spell out several requirement items
like "a. ability the add check transaction, b. ability to reverse a check
3. The BA's role normally depends on your communication skills. Experience
helps with questions you ask the business people. But as a entry level BA,
you should have someone lead you at the beginning.
4. Take one of your class project as example, that you perform the lead of a
group to successfully completion.
发帖数: 109
谢谢 很有帮助 包子发了

【在 b******g 的大作中提到】
: 1. This is a Business Analyst role in SDLC (should be called Software
: Development Life Cycle) team.
: SDLC is driven by requirements. Business Analyst is responsible to create
: the requirement documentation.
: Then Developer implements the requirements according to BA's work.
: Tester tests the requirements according to BA's work.
: Business Unit tests the application.
: Project Manager controls the whole progress of this process.
: What you need is to understand is the business and describe the business need.
: 2. There will be all kinds situations for BA.

1 (共1页)
请教笔记本重装后出现的一个问题。(有包子酬谢)[转载] tester面试
问graph问题Job opening in CT: Software Quality Engineer/Tester
请帮助查 ACTA Press 的一篇 论文,酬谢伪币50纠结呀 请教各位大侠 计算机硕士还是会计硕士
请教一个算法问题cs phd, Industry == Coding么?
[转载]我所知道的Systems会议Job opening in CT: Software Quality Engineer
Information system job opportunity大家觉得software testing的出路好么?
web developer这行竞争很激烈? (转载)[分享]:计算机行业入行后的十大职业发展方向
话题: business话题: ba话题: life话题: cycle