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CS版 - Re: 生物版的faculty,请你们不要对学生再对学生撒谎 (转载)
女生适合学EE还是CS? (转载)如何import acm into Endnote
现在的人都好狂躁。Data Mining Libraries: Java, C/C++/C#
Re: 这两个WORKSHOP怎么样?c library for matrix
换钱问题C++统计library (转载)
请教:C++ Ezwindows library 的连接LabVIEW or C++哪个容易学?
How much is CS assis. prof. paid?问问Boost library, 尤其是Boost Graph Library (BGL)
把network跟DB、architecture结合起来?cloud computing怎么回事?
DOC转PDF时如何才能使图像清晰?graphics和vison编程要用c++里的template library吗?
话题: lab话题: board话题: test话题: sneak话题: don
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 121
【 以下文字转载自 biojailbreak 俱乐部 】
发信人: Peasant61 (老农61), 信区: biojailbreak
标 题: Re: 生物版的faculty,请你们不要对学生再对学生撒谎
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 25 00:22:16 2012, 美东)
1)周末从来不加班? They don't! I wish they do, but i cannot force them, and
they don't volunteer. That's it.
2)不需要回家看paper - they even don't do so in the lab. What they do is to
sneak out to library and study for board test.
还有,你把4万的工作也看成一个还行的工作. 40k at only 3 hrs per day is much
more highly paid than my own job.
在walmart的售货员不需要高中文凭,年资有几年的,也拿3万. They really have to
work 8 hours a day, unlike those post-docs, they may be in the lab for 8-9
hrs, but being in the lab does not mean they are working. they either are
dosing off, or watch ceiling, or sneak out to library to study for board
test, and get paid for studying for board test, and then they complain.
1 (共1页)
graphics和vison编程要用c++里的template library吗?请教:C++ Ezwindows library 的连接
问个c/c++问题How much is CS assis. prof. paid?
Re: 李开复当年怎么没有做faculty呢 (转载)把network跟DB、architecture结合起来?
有没有基于C++的machine learning 和 data mining 的library?DOC转PDF时如何才能使图像清晰?
女生适合学EE还是CS? (转载)如何import acm into Endnote
现在的人都好狂躁。Data Mining Libraries: Java, C/C++/C#
Re: 这两个WORKSHOP怎么样?c library for matrix
换钱问题C++统计library (转载)
话题: lab话题: board话题: test话题: sneak话题: don