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CS版 - 内推Amazon FW engineer positions (转载)
看看 North Korea 的 CS 成果吧什么样的device需要操作系统呢?
讨论一下:Bill Gates这句话有没有道理内推Amazon FW engineer positions (转载)
SW system development Engineer (lead position)内推Amazon FW engineer positions
Can anyone recommend a book for learning Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS)Business Development Engineers-(IoT) Boston MA-Silicon Labs
CE还是EE (转载)Job Opportunity-Business Development Engineers
求推荐比较好的embedded OS相关的学习资料湾区软工推荐
高人指点怎么在embedded sys(atmel 系列)上写内存管理湾区软工推荐 (转载)
话题: 8226话题: experience话题: software话题: fw话题: amazon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: wildstuff (Wild Stuff), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 内推Amazon FW engineer positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 31 19:38:04 2013, 美东)
我也内推一下吧。Office在加州湾区,主要是Embedded firmware 和 Linux-based
platform, developer and AE 都招。欢迎fresh grad和junior。 有兴趣的,简历请寄
w****[email protected].
JD highlights:
• Improve application-layer and network layer protocols according to
given standards and implement new features
• Implement API interfaces between layers and between core modules and
UI and refine user experience and power profile.
• Participate/Support team members working on lower layers.
• Support QA team to bring-up test software
• MS Degree in Computer Science or equivalent, PhD preferred
• experience in developing software for embedded system, wireless
embedded experience preferred
• Skills in embedded system development in ARM or other MCU
environment; skilled in C
• Hands-on experience with Python, Perl and/or shell script
• Good understanding on software development with RTOS
• Familiar with source version control (Subversion/Mercurial/Git)
• Good communication skills in verbal and written English
• Willing to learn, self-starter
• Experience with Android/Linux/GUI/Java
• Experience on software development for low-power system.
• Experience on software development on IoT system (WiFi,Bluetooth,
ZigBee, PopNet, WiHART, etc.)
• Hands-on experience in logic analyzer, oscilloscope, network
protocol analyzer, and packet sniffer
1 (共1页)
湾区软工推荐CE还是EE (转载)
湾区软工推荐 (转载)求推荐比较好的embedded OS相关的学习资料
湾区软工推荐 (转载)高人指点怎么在embedded sys(atmel 系列)上写内存管理
内推2-3个软工 (转载)register在CPU中,但是也可以用内存地址访问?(embedded)
看看 North Korea 的 CS 成果吧什么样的device需要操作系统呢?
讨论一下:Bill Gates这句话有没有道理内推Amazon FW engineer positions (转载)
SW system development Engineer (lead position)内推Amazon FW engineer positions
Can anyone recommend a book for learning Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS)Business Development Engineers-(IoT) Boston MA-Silicon Labs
话题: 8226话题: experience话题: software话题: fw话题: amazon