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CS版 - Re: 请教一个图形问题
离散傅立叶变换,这么说对吗Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
图像处理里说的卷积(convolve)是不是跟一般的不同Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
An artificial intelligence based internet answer engineAmex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
CLRS 14.1-6 求教。Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
图像registration问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
急问: 关于Matlab的问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
请教一个quick time的编辑问题Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
有参加RTSS的么Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
话题: use话题: method话题: image话题: guess话题: better
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 400

The problem description says you can use any method you like. To achieve
better smoothness, I guess the medthod of "linear" should be better than
"nearest". You can also try use a gaussian function to convolve with the
rotated image.
As for how to choose the neighborhood region, I guess it is up to you. I would
make it as small as possible. Because otherwise the image will be blurred.

You don't have to use any special extrapolation method. See my answer to the
following question.

This cl
1 (共1页)
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡图像registration问题
Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡急问: 关于Matlab的问题
清仓处理教科书请教一个quick time的编辑问题
大家帮看看这个问题可以用啥 model 解决 ~ 谢谢。有参加RTSS的么
离散傅立叶变换,这么说对吗Amex Blue Cash preferred 6%现金回扣+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
图像处理里说的卷积(convolve)是不是跟一般的不同Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
An artificial intelligence based internet answer engineAmex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
CLRS 14.1-6 求教。Amex Blue Cash preferred 6% Cashback+$150bonus超市专用信用卡
话题: use话题: method话题: image话题: guess话题: better