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CS版 - update on Niu Ren ..
[转载] Re: 少有的天才人物,在微生物学、材料学、计算机网络等没有直接[转载] How to judge a person "NIU" or "NOT NIU"
Grid, Cluster, P2P, WS谁来讲讲Greedy Algorithm的证明啊
IETF文档比较好的阅读器是哪种? (转载)Delay differential equation 中文啥意思啊?
BTW问一下大家有找summer intern么HAPPY NIU YEAR~~~~
Tom Henzinger's academic advice along with David Patterson'about online master
一个图的任意两点之间的最短路径求法问个delayed branch的问题
Re: 哈工大深研院生物计算研究中心面向海内外诚聘全职教师 (疯狂的信用卡Bonus, $500现金或两张美国国内机票(往返)
teaching faculty VS good post-doc最后的疯狂:信用卡送$500,银行快难产?
话题: ren话题: niu话题: he话题: hoc话题: 100k
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
an offer is about to be made -- 100K canadian .. hoho .. but the chance is
slim that he would accept the offer i guess.
发帖数: 52

you really cannot use this guy as a general example. he is pretty much in
the 师叔辈 of many of the current ad hoc students. when he was
fighting in ietf for david johnson, not many even heard of ad hoc yet.
while most of ad hoc students of his time graduated and entered industry
or became faculty and had their own students, he stayed in school to
work on things he liked and built up his resume. well, his boss moving
to rice may delayed him too. also david johnson being david johnson might

【在 p******m 的大作中提到】
: an offer is about to be made -- 100K canadian .. hoho .. but the chance is
: slim that he would accept the offer i guess.

发帖数: 23
I don't quite understand you here "dave j being dave j ..". did you mean what
i think you meant? i know maltz and the story ....

【在 r*****e 的大作中提到】
: you really cannot use this guy as a general example. he is pretty much in
: the 师叔辈 of many of the current ad hoc students. when he was
: fighting in ietf for david johnson, not many even heard of ad hoc yet.
: while most of ad hoc students of his time graduated and entered industry
: or became faculty and had their own students, he stayed in school to
: work on things he liked and built up his resume. well, his boss moving
: to rice may delayed him too. also david johnson being david johnson might
: al

发帖数: 312
So how many years has him spent in school?

【在 r*****e 的大作中提到】
: you really cannot use this guy as a general example. he is pretty much in
: the 师叔辈 of many of the current ad hoc students. when he was
: fighting in ietf for david johnson, not many even heard of ad hoc yet.
: while most of ad hoc students of his time graduated and entered industry
: or became faculty and had their own students, he stayed in school to
: work on things he liked and built up his resume. well, his boss moving
: to rice may delayed him too. also david johnson being david johnson might
: al

1 (共1页)
最后的疯狂:信用卡送$500,银行快难产?Tom Henzinger's academic advice along with David Patterson'
疯狂的Chase信用卡Bonus, $500现金或$625机票任你选一个图的任意两点之间的最短路径求法
问一道(大)数据 algorithm (转载)Re: 哈工大深研院生物计算研究中心面向海内外诚聘全职教师 (
万能的NJ版,求推荐华人驾校或者价格便宜的驾校teaching faculty VS good post-doc
[转载] Re: 少有的天才人物,在微生物学、材料学、计算机网络等没有直接[转载] How to judge a person "NIU" or "NOT NIU"
Grid, Cluster, P2P, WS谁来讲讲Greedy Algorithm的证明啊
IETF文档比较好的阅读器是哪种? (转载)Delay differential equation 中文啥意思啊?
BTW问一下大家有找summer intern么HAPPY NIU YEAR~~~~
话题: ren话题: niu话题: he话题: hoc话题: 100k