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Canada版 - 加拿大公民入籍考试题供参考!!
有人转Canada National Park Discovery Passes吗? (转载)Getting a Divorce in Canada
加拿大垃圾运到美国密西根掩埋? (转载)WebsitesRe: Getting a Divorce in Canada
37 people?No need.Re: got an emergent problem!!
新增Canada版BylawRe: visa question visitor
To my knowledge Re: 签证和study permit都过期了[公告] Canada 板的投票结果
88Getting Married in Canada
征友(Vancouver,Canada)Getting Married in Canada 3
[转载] How to get married in CanadaGetting Married in Canada 4
话题: aboriginal话题: canada话题: 土著话题: peoples话题: first
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
1、Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada 谁是加拿大的土著?
Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada. 土著是最早期居住在加拿大的人。
2、What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples 土著主要有那三类?
First Nations, Inuit, Metis. (The group we once called “Indians” are now known as “First Nations”)。第一民族,烟劳人,美地人(以往称为“印第安人” 的土著,现改称为“第一民族”)。
3、In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live 土著最早期在加拿大何处定居?
The Aboriginal people lived in every region of Canada. 他们散居于加拿大各处。
4、What did the Abor
发帖数: 72
31、 When did the British North America Act come into effect 英属北美条约在何时生效?
July 1, 1867.在一八六七年七月一日。
32、 Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history 为何英属北美条约对加拿大的历史那么重要?
The British North America Act (B. N. A.) made the Confederation legal.它令同盟合法。
33、 Which four provinces joined together in Confederation 那四个省参与同盟?
Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. 安大略,魁北克,纽宾士域及诺华士高沙。
34、 List each province and territory and tell when each one joined Confederation 列举每个省份及特区,并说出何
1 (共1页)
Getting Married in Canada 4To my knowledge Re: 签证和study permit都过期了
Getting Married in Canada 588
Getting Married in Canada 6征友(Vancouver,Canada)
Getting Married in Canada 7[转载] How to get married in Canada
有人转Canada National Park Discovery Passes吗? (转载)Getting a Divorce in Canada
加拿大垃圾运到美国密西根掩埋? (转载)WebsitesRe: Getting a Divorce in Canada
37 people?No need.Re: got an emergent problem!!
新增Canada版BylawRe: visa question visitor
话题: aboriginal话题: canada话题: 土著话题: peoples话题: first