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Canada版 - 这个属实吗?
The internet startup model is broken and how to fix it -ZZ川普不发tweet,MSM媒体也发狂了
床铺要恢复美国核武器生产 (转载)Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'
Jimmy Carter: 美国人明显想要一个混蛋当他们的总统 (转载)其实奥八这么做,开了政治迫害的先河
twitter trending listSpicer说了:“监听”指的是包括所有形式的监听
川普和柴英文的通话暴露了川普的bluff这次没有TRUMP,共和党真有可能输掉GA 6th
床粉又犯下一起仇恨犯罪Very Fake News CNN造谣又被抓现行
话题: apparently话题: shyanne话题: more话题: guy话题: here
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【 以下文字转载自 CanadaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: CanadaNews
标 题: 加拿大户外烧烤变“屠杀”致2死19伤 1婴儿中弹
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 18 15:45:38 2012, 美东)
发帖数: 983
Random portraits of the situation gleaned from twitter.
Apparently, it was this guy's party, as he says here. He'd been planning
this party since July 7th. The pictures indicate that a 'hennesey party' is
exactly what it sounds like: a party w/ lots of hennesey liquor provided.
This guy apparently anticipated that problems might happen at the party.
This girl, too. This guy too. So this could be the result of a pretty well-
known beef.
This person was shot. As was this person. This person was also shot -- twice
. This person was also shot, according to this tweet. This may be her in
recovery, though I can't be sure. It is, in any case, someone recovering
from a gunshot wound.
This woman was shot and apparently killed. Her and her boyfriend were
celebrating a 4 month anniversary. I'm confident enough to say that she is
the Shyanne who many locals on twitter are talking about, based on comparing
pictures from her account to those posted by others. She was apparently
well-connected. One tweeter said that "This is Shyanne's people we're
talking about. Now it's gonna be war." Here is a memorial collage that is
making the rounds. Here is another memorial picture tweeted by someone.
A memorial to Shyanne has been set up nearby. Apparently there will be a
memorial ceremony at 7PM, nearby.
Apparently Shyanne went out in this guy's arms. Apparently the 1 year old
who was shot was also that guy's nephew.
The 23 year-old victim appears to be Joshua Yasay. More and more RIPs are
flowing in by the minute. His last tweet: "welcome to Toronto! You'll love
it here! City like no other!"
This guy says that bullets grazed his head, and that "niggas" weren't even
aiming. Implies more than one shooter, I guess.
This guy is implying that there will be more violence in the future. The
shooters "touched the wrong people". "This isn't over". More of the same
sentiment from this girl. And this woman, who says "there is gonna be war".
We should expect an "outrageous reaction", because there will be a "heavy
domino effect". As another guy says, "Mandem aren't gonna let this slide
easy." ('Mandem' = slang term for a collection of thugs.)
Someone who appears to be Shyanne's brother is tweeting some ominous stuff.
He tells a friend "you don't know what I'm gunna doo", and another friend
that he's trying to find whoever did this. He's predicting a heated summer
in the neighbourhood. It's obviously an emotional time. The swings are
augmented by his (allegedly) having been prevented from saying last words to
his sister; a turn of events he feels are the result of systemic
I fear for this community's future.
Shyanne's brother isn't the only one feeling disenfranchised. One person
asks why the media isn't giving Shyanne's murder as much coverage as Jane
Creba's received. Is it because Shyanne was "black and from the hood", while
Creba was white and well-off? User kayboozey posits that "yes that's
exactly why, it's fucked up but people don't care because all they think of
is black on black violence".
Apparently the little girl who was shot was a guy named Ledda's daughter.
Ledda is apparently someone you don't mess with. Scottie Pimpin also thinks
that this situation will be 'big' because of the bloodlines involved.
For an idea of who constitutes one of the victim's crew, see this video. The
entire rap is superimposed over a blue bandana, which I can only assume
symbolizes a crips chapter. Note the lyrics: "livin a hard life, growin up
on my own / no mother no father i gotta do it all alone / but if i got a
problem niggas got the 44 / she got a really fat ass with a long nose". This
video is frequently tweeted with an accompanying "#GWAY" tag, which must
refer to "Galloway". Galloway is the name of a nearby road which hosts a
number of public housing projects.
More local music. "got the 44 extra kick / extended ? clip / i suggest you
sit / or my dogs'll sick". Later on he says "you know who I rep / earlybirds
is the set", where "set" is common terminology for chapter of a gang. Note
that the guy whose video I linked above's twitter name was "early3irds", and
this guy, who also retweeted the above video, takes the screen name "EARLY!
!!". This music video is also by the same crew and also showcases the same
neighborhood where this incident went down. Here is another video by the
same crew; note the cripwalk at 0:43.
Here is a crappy lo-res photo of the investigation area. Here is a much
better hi-res of the investigation area in daylight.
Apparently there has been another shooting, less than an hour after Shyanne'
s memorial shut down. More people posting about it. And more. This one's in
the Jane and Eglington area, nowhere near the party shooting. Apparently
happened at a soccer field in the area.
edit note: I'm throwing in more stuff as I find it.
2nd edit: since this has become quite popular, I want to reiterate: this is
a portrait of the event formed solely by linking from things found on
Twitter. None of this is concrete evidence of anything's having happened or
anyone's involvement in the shootings.
meta-value edit: this post has become popular here. It's also picking up
steam on twitter as MSM/journo-types find and tweet about it. Interestingly,
within the last hour or so, reporters have begun 'reaching out' to the
twitter users I've included in this post -- e.g. this, or this, or this. The
responses have not all been positive, some downright bewildered. I wonder
if people are as sketched about 'snitching' on twitter as they are on the
street? Something to consider.
3rd edit: some of the tweeters have begun deleting tweets/deactivating
accounts. No problem -- everything is screencapped. I'll be replacing dead
twitter links with imgur snaps as needed (already one done). Feel free to
msg me if you find a dead link.
4th edit: Jul. 18th, still more stuff being added.

【在 u***t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 CanadaNews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: CanadaNews
: 标 题: 加拿大户外烧烤变“屠杀”致2死19伤 1婴儿中弹
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 18 15:45:38 2012, 美东)
: 加拿大户外烧烤变“屠杀”二十余人死伤
: 加拿大警方说,主要城市多伦多一处人员密集街区16日夜间发生枪击事件,两人死
: 亡,至少19人受伤。
: 警方估计,超过200人当时在一个街区举办户外烧烤聚会。多伦多市警方主管布莱
: 尔说:“一些人发生口角,然后交火。交火过程中,一些无辜旁观者遭击中。”布莱尔
: 确认,一名20岁男子和一名十几岁女青年丧生,至少19人受伤,包括一名婴儿。他说,

1 (共1页)
Very Fake News CNN造谣又被抓现行Jimmy Carter: 美国人明显想要一个混蛋当他们的总统 (转载)
包子大发雷霆 把捞探测器的姐fun菌军舰全体人员都抓起来了twitter trending list
The internet startup model is broken and how to fix it -ZZ川普不发tweet,MSM媒体也发狂了
床铺要恢复美国核武器生产 (转载)Gorsuch calls Trump's tweets 'disheartening'
话题: apparently话题: shyanne话题: more话题: guy话题: here