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CanadaNews版 - 车祸导致11名西裔临时工
74%的加拿大人认为2011是不错的一年加拿大再度提高移民申请门坎 须检英或法语能力
Three killed in Canadian train derailment卑诗溺毙近倍增 43死敲警鐘 (转载)
[JNPT]亚裔匪持照明弹劫旺市韩国银行配发戒毒药方式引争议 华裔药剂师去世
[JNPT]司法寬鬆 對不法商人未起阻嚇作用.騎警嚴打假貨絕不手軟三華社聯手推廣搭橋計畫
[JNPT]Calgary mother, child found dead on Christmas[JNPT]安省审计报告出炉 政府糊涂帐一大堆
[JNPT]加拿大专才计划快速审批新移民[JNPT]買禮券送下屬 女秘書代上司購物.電力高層狂刷公司卡逾億元
爱省投资移民项目丑闻不断 移民入籍加国不愿选爱省[JNPT]安省投放资源向新移民灌输日常生活须知
维多利亚和温哥华岛一些景点(多图) (转载)加拿大老牌旅行社突然宣布关闭 顾客行程受阻
话题: ontario话题: migrant话题: workers话题: farm话题: van
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
Crash kills 11, mostly migrant farm workers
TORONTO (Reuters) - A crash between a flatbed truck and a van carrying
migrant farm workers on a rural crossroads in southwestern Ontario killed 11
people, media reported on Tuesday, in one of the most deadly vehicle
accidents in Canadian history.
Both drivers and nine passengers in the van were killed instantly on Monday
when it was broadsided by the truck, a spokeswoman for the county emergency
medical service said. The accident occurred in the hamlet of Hampstead,
Ontario, about 87 miles west of Toronto.
The crash occurred on Monday in the heart of southwestern Ontario's rolling
farm country, which attracts thousands of migrant farm workers every year.
"The people in the van are migrant workers, to the best of our knowledge,"
Perth County, Ontario, Provincial Police Insp. Steve Porter told Postmedia
An emergency worker said the van may have been carrying workers employed by
a local chicken hatchery or farm.
While police could not confirm the nationalities of the deceased, media
reported they were Spanish speakers. One newspaper said the victims were
(Reporting By Pav Jordan)
1 (共1页)
加拿大老牌旅行社突然宣布关闭 顾客行程受阻[JNPT]Calgary mother, child found dead on Christmas
加拿大犯罪严重指数下降 哪些省份最“暴力”[JNPT]加拿大专才计划快速审批新移民
自5月1日起 安省电费价格将全面上涨爱省投资移民项目丑闻不断 移民入籍加国不愿选爱省
安省上门推销能源骗局泛滥 消费者多加警惕维多利亚和温哥华岛一些景点(多图) (转载)
74%的加拿大人认为2011是不错的一年加拿大再度提高移民申请门坎 须检英或法语能力
Three killed in Canadian train derailment卑诗溺毙近倍增 43死敲警鐘 (转载)
[JNPT]亚裔匪持照明弹劫旺市韩国银行配发戒毒药方式引争议 华裔药剂师去世
[JNPT]司法寬鬆 對不法商人未起阻嚇作用.騎警嚴打假貨絕不手軟三華社聯手推廣搭橋計畫
话题: ontario话题: migrant话题: workers话题: farm话题: van