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CanadaNews版 - Three killed in Canadian train derailment
74%的加拿大人认为2011是不错的一年GO单程票价将涨25分 预计3月14日实行
车祸导致11名西裔临时工萧条袭来 多伦多人对食物银行需求激增10%
加拿大向中国出售原油的计划面临困难魁省2人墨西哥归来遭隔离 未证实染猪流感
城西暴力劫案 黑人劫匪逃逸多倫多國際電影節9月7日開幕
嘉甸拿高速路 改造案公布[JNPT]过半加人希望提前从阿富汗撤军
[JNPT]GO火车尚未受罢工影响 VIA火车照常[JNPT]加拿大CBC拍摄《龙在他乡》华人愤怒
VIA 火车恢复营运[JNPT]总理哈珀命运操纵在反对党手中
话题: derailment话题: via话题: rail话题: train话题: said
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发帖数: 15215
TORONTO (Reuters) - A passenger train derailed near Burlington in southern
Ontario on Sunday, killing at least three people, according to the train
operator VIA Rail.
"There were 75 passengers on board the train at the time of the accident.
There are reports of several injuries to passengers and three fatalities,"
VIA Rail said in a statement.
The six-carriage train, which was travelling from Niagara Falls, Ontario, to
Toronto, derailed at 1530 EST (2030 GMT).
"They were in the locomotive, so at this point we know for sure that they (
the three people killed) were VIA employees," VIA Rail spokeswoman Michelle
Lamarche told CBC News.
A spokesman for the Halton Regional police was able to confirm only one
fatality. The cause of the derailment is not yet known.
VIA Rail, which is owned by the Canadian government, said three passengers
were airlifted to local hospitals with serious injuries. More than 40
passengers and a crew member were also taken to local hospitals.
The train was reportedly leaking fuel after the derailment, Postmedia News
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada said it had sent a team of
investigators to the site of the incident.
VIA Rail said other trains in the region will be affected due to the tracks
being blocked at the scene of the accident.
GO Transit, the regional public transit service provider for the Greater
Toronto and Hamilton Area, said the derailment had impacted its service
along its Lakeshore West line.
A spokeswoman for Hamilton Health Sciences, which operates a number of
hospitals in the area, said it had declared a code orange, which means it is
facing an external disaster and is putting systems in place to handle those
hurt in the derailment.
The derailment occurred on a line owned by Canadian National Railway, the
country's largest rail operator.
"We have begun our own internal investigation into the incident and we will
be cooperating fully with VIA and the Transportation Safety Board," said a
spokeswoman for CN, adding that the derailment will also impact its
operations in the area.
"This line has been completely shut-off to any train traffic at this time,"
she said.
(Reporting By Euan Rocha; Editing by Paul Simao and Christopher Wilson)
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[JNPT]总理哈珀命运操纵在反对党手中嘉甸拿高速路 改造案公布
[JNPT]多市机场三天“不设防” 出境检查形同虚设[JNPT]自由党党魁竞选最后一辩
[JNPT]总理哈珀透露:保守党政府近期可能被推翻[JNPT]GO火车尚未受罢工影响 VIA火车照常
[JNXG]哈珀:保守党政府近期可能被推翻VIA 火车恢复营运
74%的加拿大人认为2011是不错的一年GO单程票价将涨25分 预计3月14日实行
车祸导致11名西裔临时工萧条袭来 多伦多人对食物银行需求激增10%
加拿大向中国出售原油的计划面临困难魁省2人墨西哥归来遭隔离 未证实染猪流感
城西暴力劫案 黑人劫匪逃逸多倫多國際電影節9月7日開幕
话题: derailment话题: via话题: rail话题: train话题: said