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CanadaNews版 - U.S. ends search for missing Canadian woman
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话题: cruise话题: missing话题: woman话题: bahamas话题: canadian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
MIAMI (Reuters) - The Coast Guard on Friday said it had suspended its search
for a 47-year-old Canadian woman who went overboard off the cruise ship
Bahamas Celebration on its way from Freeport, Bahamas, to Palm Beach,
Coast Guard air and sea crews mounted an intense effort for two days before
calling off the search Thursday night.
Officials were alerted that the woman was missing by her male cabin mate on
Wednesday morning when the ship arrived back in port, said Glenn Ryerson,
vice president for sales and marketing at Celebration Cruise line. The man
reported that he had not seen his missing companion since 1 a.m. that
morning, Ryerson said. Crewmembers aboard the Bahamas Celebration searched
the cruise ship for the woman to no avail, the Coast Guard said.
The couple, who were not married, were on the return leg of a four-day
cruise and resort stay in the Bahamas, Ryerson said.
The incident is being investigated by the FBI, he added. "So far there is no
evidence of anything. We are just in a wait and see mode," he said.
The woman is the fifth person to go missing overboard from a cruise ship
this year, according to the Cruise Victims Association, which reports that
more than 170 people have gone missing at sea since 1995.
(Reporting By David Adams; editing by Dan Burns)
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[JNPT]加拿大:助新移民就業 一站式資源中心啟動加工伤风险踞发达国家前列
[JNPT]提高录取线 安省大学学位吃紧[JNXG]中国来加游客上升42%
数百怀大学生 资料遭泄[JNPT]北美自由貿易協定遭申訴違憲.安省上訴庭指証據不足否決
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话题: cruise话题: missing话题: woman话题: bahamas话题: canadian