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CanadaNews版 - Canada looks to ease huge immigration backlog
Canada says marriages of foreign gays invalid08年加拿大移民人数创高峰 高学历就业依旧难
加拿大银行(Bank of Canada)维持利率在1%不变加拿大移民申请审理加快 而亚裔移民仍需长等
Canada closes embassy in Syria, imposes sanctions加拿大警告移民:千万小心虚假移民信息
达赖喇嘛访温哥华被指激怒中国政府加拿大临时签证制度或改 外来临时工人受保护
夏巴再谈人头税 华裔望争取赔偿『年终盘点』2011年度加国十大新闻(图)
[JNPT]温哥华人头税家属:争取全面赔偿加移民部长拟推技术移民改革 受聘者优先审核
话题: canada话题: backlog话题: kenney话题: immigrants
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The government of Canada is looking at ways to streamline
its immigration system in order to eliminate a backlog of more than a
million applicants.
Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said on Wednesday the
government was considering a wide range of options to create a more nimble
immigration system better able to meet employers' needs for skilled labor.
"The doors are always going to be open. We're planning on continuing to
receive over a quarter of a million immigrants per year," he said. "The
question is how do we select those who are most likely to succeed and do so
on a fast basis."
He stressed that he had not made any decisions.
One idea is to have provinces go through the backlog of applicants and pick
out people with the qualifications companies need, such as engineers in the
oil business.
"It's about ... matching the immigrants with the jobs rather than just
pushing them into the general labor market to sink or swim," Kenney said.
Canada remains relatively open to immigrants, but many newcomers complain it
is difficult to get their education and professional qualifications
recognized, forcing them to retrain or find work in a different, often
unskilled, field.
Kenney said he was considering requiring prospective immigrants who already
have credentials to get a pre-assessment from professional associations in
Canada of their chances of having their credentials recognized.
(Reporting by Randall Palmer; Editing by Janet Guttsman and Rob Wilson)
1 (共1页)
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Canada says marriages of foreign gays invalid08年加拿大移民人数创高峰 高学历就业依旧难
加拿大银行(Bank of Canada)维持利率在1%不变加拿大移民申请审理加快 而亚裔移民仍需长等
Canada closes embassy in Syria, imposes sanctions加拿大警告移民:千万小心虚假移民信息
话题: canada话题: backlog话题: kenney话题: immigrants