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CanadaNews版 - 插管取汁水
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插管取汁水Can't type Chinese for now
国务卿堤勒森为川普会俄罗斯外长言论辩护Dear 妈妈们,有相关经验的妈妈们来帮忙看看
国务卿堤勒森为川普会俄罗斯外长言论辩护 (转载)depressing russians
国务卿堤勒森为川普会俄罗斯外长言论辩护 (转载)depression and desperation
话题: sap话题: birch话题: first话题: collection话题: hammer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1118
The collection of birch sap in Belarus allowed only for state organisations.
Further it will be processed and sold.
And Russian ways for sap collection differ greatly. First of all, everybody
can do this. Here is the detailed instruction:
All you need is a hammer, drill, tubes and a bottle for sap.
A birch should be big.
Then hammer a tube into the tree.
First drops!
After all insert something in the hole not to damage the tree.
The collection in severe conditions:
More ways:
The birch sap is very valuable product that influences well on the whole
human organism. It helps to overcome the summer weakness, depressions and
distractions. The birch sap also increase the resistive ability from
infectious diseases and has the diuretic and other good effects because of
its composition from organic acids, minerals and vitamins.
You can not only drink this sap, but also rub your skin with it if having
acne or wash your hair if having dandruff.
Since ancient times Russians have used this wonderful product as a medicine
and drunk it cause it’s very tasty.
1 (共1页)
depression and desperation插管取汁水
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话题: sap话题: birch话题: first话题: collection话题: hammer