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CanadaNews版 - 白宫要求俄罗斯立刻遣返斯诺登
加拿大政府将不证实媒体广泛报道的驱逐俄罗斯外交官事件哈珀促各国出大钱救经济 (转载)
黔驴技穷?加拿大央行周二或将再次减息0.5%加拿大银行(Bank of Canada)维持利率在1%不变
加国经济明年增长困难简尼警告:屋价过高 吁谨慎借贷防楼市泡沫 (转载)
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加拿大通胀率再次下跌 隔夜利率可能跌至新低Snowden: naive, get out of my face
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话题: snowden话题: russian话题: mr话题: russia话题: said
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发帖数: 3365
"Accordingly, we are asking the Russian Government to take action to expel
Mr. Snowden without delay and to build upon the strong law enforcement
cooperation we have had, particularly since the Boston Marathon bombing."
The White House on Tuesday said Russia has a "clear legal basis" to return
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden to the United States.
"While we do not have an extradition treaty with Russia, there is
nonetheless a clear legal basis to expel Mr. Snowden, based on the status of
his travel documents and the pending charges against him," Caitlin Hayden,
a spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said in a statement.
"Accordingly, we are asking the Russian Government to take action to expel
Mr. Snowden without delay and to build upon the strong law enforcement
cooperation we have had, particularly since the Boston Marathon bombing."
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday revealed Snowden's
whereabouts, telling reporters he was in the international terminal of the
Moscow airport. Lavrov stressed that Snowden had "not crossed the Russian
Russian President Valdimir Putin said that because Russia had no extradition
agreement with the U.S., the country could not respond to the request to
return Snowden, who has been charged with espionage.
"Mr. Snowden is a free man, and the sooner he chooses his final destination
the better it is for us and for him," Putin said, according to The
Associated Press. "I hope it will not affect the business-like character of
our relations with the U.S., and I hope that our partners will understand
“We consider the attempts to accuse the Russian side of violating U.S. laws
, and practically of involvement in a plot, to be absolutely groundless and
unacceptable,” he said.
Hayden said the officials at the White House "understand that Russia must
consider the issues raised by Mr. Snowden's decision to travel there."
"We agree with President Putin that we do not want this issue to negatively
impact our bilateral relations."
Snowden traveled to Moscow from Hong Kong after authorities there declined
to detain him, saying a U.S. extradition request did not include sufficient
On Monday, White House press secretary Jay Carney blasted the move by Hong
Kong authorities, saying it "unquestionably has a negative impact on the U.S
.-China relationship."
“We see this as a setback in terms of their efforts to build mutual trust
and our concerns are pretty clearly stated,” Carney said.
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/global-affairs/un-treaties/307665-white-house-russia-has-clear-legal-basis-to-expel-snowden#ixzz2XGWhSQvs
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加拿大政府将不证实媒体广泛报道的驱逐俄罗斯外交官事件哈珀促各国出大钱救经济 (转载)
黔驴技穷?加拿大央行周二或将再次减息0.5%加拿大银行(Bank of Canada)维持利率在1%不变
加国经济明年增长困难简尼警告:屋价过高 吁谨慎借贷防楼市泡沫 (转载)
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话题: snowden话题: russian话题: mr话题: russia话题: said