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CanadaNews版 - 靠,麦当劳翻肉饼的工人罢工了
[JNPT]咸美頓淹水 居民喊苦Left, Obama Escalate War on Banks into Dangerous Territory
West urges end to film protests签名抗议滥用EB1-C,北卡Kay Haygan的回信。
Worker cooked to death in tuna plant ovenNikon factory workers protest China gas poisoning
女同性恋Mary Kay Henry被选为国际服务行业工会总裁From Cairo to Madison Workers Unite.
新气象:美帝第二大工会自减30%budgetNo report of our 20-city protest against ABC/Jimmy Kimmel, very nice, real nice!
SEIU的文革抄家Union Organizer Pretends to be Anti-Union Protester to Push Union Goals
话题: workers话题: york话题: new话题: seiu话题: says
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3978
Fast-Food Workers of the World, Unite!
The campaign by fast-food workers to raise the industry’s minimum wage to $
15 an hour and unionize has gathered momentum so quickly it has surprised
even some of the organizers at the Service Employees International Union,
which is underwriting it. A year ago, a group of workers protested at dozens
of restaurants in New York. On Dec. 5, workers were expected to rally in
about 100 cities.
The prospects for unionizing an industry with about 200,000 restaurants,
most owned by franchisees, and workers who don’t stay in their jobs for
long remain daunting. “Attention is oxygen for these groups, and they’ve
been very good at getting attention. But that’s very different from getting
collective bargaining rights,” says Ruth Milkman, a labor expert at the
City University of New York who supports the drive. The SEIU says workers
aren’t organizing the traditional way—restaurant by restaurant, vote by
vote—and they don’t yet know what their union would look like. “It’s not
predetermined what form this will take,” says Mary Kay Henry, SEIU’s
president. “We would be creating something new.”
1 (共1页)
Union Organizer Pretends to be Anti-Union Protester to Push Union Goals靠,麦当劳翻肉饼的工人罢工了
能用F1的身份等绿卡吗?女同性恋Mary Kay Henry被选为国际服务行业工会总裁
Unite to fight新气象:美帝第二大工会自减30%budget
我家的抗议: Why we protestSEIU的文革抄家
[JNPT]咸美頓淹水 居民喊苦Left, Obama Escalate War on Banks into Dangerous Territory
West urges end to film protests签名抗议滥用EB1-C,北卡Kay Haygan的回信。
Worker cooked to death in tuna plant ovenNikon factory workers protest China gas poisoning
话题: workers话题: york话题: new话题: seiu话题: says