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Cantonese版 - NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday
男儿当入樽 endingTHAT IS IT
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)The market looks like the end of the world...
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)天啊,就这样结束啦!
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)World Ends Tomorrow. I will take care of your house and belongings
那个说AAPL今天到510的太牛了Dame! the world is ending!!!
my short pos for nflx didn't go through yesterdaySkeeter Davis - THE END OF THE WORLD
don'tTo The End Of The World
Shop World Kitchen $10 off $10 plus Free Shipping (no miniWorld Ends Soon. I will take care of your house and be (转载)
话题: nasa话题: end话题: world话题: why话题: yesterday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8732
NASA is so sure the world won't come to an end on Dec. 21, 2012, that they
already released a video for the day after.
发帖数: 9860
I think the earth just have a little change...BIG BIG BIG BLESS DEC 21,2012

【在 r*******u 的大作中提到】
: NASA is so sure the world won't come to an end on Dec. 21, 2012, that they
: already released a video for the day after.

1 (共1页)
World Ends Soon. I will take care of your house and be (转载)那个说AAPL今天到510的太牛了
Re: The End Of The Worldmy short pos for nflx didn't go through yesterday
This is the way the world endsdon't
Judgment Day IS tomorrowShop World Kitchen $10 off $10 plus Free Shipping (no mini
男儿当入樽 endingTHAT IS IT
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)The market looks like the end of the world...
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)天啊,就这样结束啦!
NASA : Why the World Didn't End Yesterday (转载)World Ends Tomorrow. I will take care of your house and belongings
话题: nasa话题: end话题: world话题: why话题: yesterday