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ChemEng版 - SAS clinical training
选择方向求助化工的位置 (转载)
招人化工教授-两个位置 (转载)
想从化学转行学化工,请问各位高见,谢谢。[化学版发过,不好意SAS clinical training
TI-84 graphing calculatorSAS clinical training
选导师的疑问SAS clinical training
pharmaceutical process development 的书SAS clinical training
替哥们儿发个广告: FDA招人 (转载)SAS clinical training
系里要招人了-open rank (转载)SAS clinical training
话题: sas话题: cdisc话题: training话题: clinical
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 65
The next SAS clinical training session will start tomorrow!
This customized two-month on-line SAS training (through webinar), is
delicately designed for anyone who has strong desire to work for major
Pharmaceutical companies in US as a qualified SAS programmer/statistician.
The training is focused on clinical knowledge, including CDISC standards (
SDTM, ADaM) and Pinnacle 21 (previously OPEN CDISC), and SAS techniques, e.g
. basic data steps, Proc SQL, and Macros used in pharmaceutical industry,
towards creation of CDISC-compliant domains and datasets, in addition to
tables, listings and graphs. Anyone with science background (statistics,
chemistry, physics, biology, math, etc.) and has strong desire to be a SAS
expert is welcome to attend! No SAS background is required.
The registration will be due by tomorrow.
For more info, please send your message to [email protected]/* */
1 (共1页)
SAS clinical training选导师的疑问
SAS clinical trainingpharmaceutical process development 的书
SAS clinical training替哥们儿发个广告: FDA招人 (转载)
SAS clinical training系里要招人了-open rank (转载)
选择方向求助化工的位置 (转载)
招人化工教授-两个位置 (转载)
想从化学转行学化工,请问各位高见,谢谢。[化学版发过,不好意SAS clinical training
TI-84 graphing calculatorSAS clinical training
话题: sas话题: cdisc话题: training话题: clinical