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Chemistry版 - Senior Positions Available at Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) , CAS
苏州纳米所招聘信息paper help
请推荐Chemistry of Materials编辑2 papers on Progress in Photovoltaics
西南大学洁净能源与先进材料研究院诚招海外英才Paper help thanks!
谁能推荐一点photovoltaic, solar cell方面的书跟review阿。Postdoctoral Position Available
Scientist Position求paper
paper helpPostdoctoral Position Available
求各位前辈们帮忙看看申请PhD的定位Job Opportunities
问有机太阳能电池的就业Paper help! THanks!
话题: nimte话题: may话题: institute话题: technology话题: ningbo
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
Senior Positions Available at
Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering (NIMTE)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) is located
in Ningbo, a prosperous port city in Zhejiang Province enjoying both rich
cultural heritages and well developed economic zone in China. NIMTE is the
first institute of CAS founded in Zhejiang Province in 2006. Its core value
is to facilitate the applications of scientific research achievements and
deliver innovative solutions for industry and society. Its vision is to
become a unique world-class research institute in materials science,
technology and engineering.
NIMTE is searching for faculty members with outstanding records of new
materials, new energy and advanced manufacturing techniques. The research
fields include, but are not limited to: magnetic materials, polymeric
materials, surface engineering, functional materials & nano devices.
photovoltaic solar cells, solar hydrogen production and storage, biological
hydrogen manufacturing, membrane growth and core equipment, polymer solar
cell, energy storage technologies, intelligent device and system, automation
and advanced control technology, composite processing and manufacturing
equipment, software and hardware for computer vision, advanced drive and
precise machinery, and virtual manufacturing. Further information can be
found at the website of http://www.nimte.ac.cn
NIMTE invites outstanding researchers in emerging fields for senior
positions at all levels, including the National “Qianren” candidates, the
“Hundred Talents Program” of CAS, the “Qianren” of Zhejiang, and the
Flagship Leader, Team Leader, Young Leader of NIMTE. The qualified applicant
can be appointed at the rank of chief scientist/engineer, full professor,
or associate professor commensurate with the applicant’s previous
experience and accomplishments
NIMTE offers generous and competitive start-up packages, including
startup funds of 0.5-10 million RMB, house purchasing compensation and
subsidies under the Talent Recruitment Programs, and performance bonuses. .
Qualified applicants should submit a complete application (cover letter,
curriculum vita, research statement, and names of at least three references)
Dr. Ruili Zhang
Department of Human Resources, NIMTE
519 Zhuangshi Road, Zhenghai, Ningbo,
Zhejiang, P. R. China 315201
TEL: (86)574-87911123; E-mail: r*****[email protected]
Professor Cui Ping, Director of NIMTE, will visit U.S. from Apr.25 to May
7. The main destination will be San Francisco (Apr.24-27, University of
Stanford and UC Berkeley), Los Angeles(Apr.28-29, The Chinese Consulate
General in Los Angeles), Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology (Apr. 30),
University of Wisconsin(May 1), University of Michigan(May 2), Ohio State
University(May 3), University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University(
May 4-5), Albany (May 6) and New York (May 7). She will introduce NIMTE and
have face –to-face meeting with all the participants.
Please Contact Dr. Ruili Zhang to arrange meeting with director Cui, or
call +86-13566050780 during her stay in U.S.
More information about NIMTE and this recruitment will be found at www.
1 (共1页)
Paper help! THanks!Scientist Position
上海-无机纳米材料博士英雄帖paper help
求 两篇文章, 谢谢求各位前辈们帮忙看看申请PhD的定位
也求审稿机会:MOF, photovoltaic, photocatalysis, lenergy/e问有机太阳能电池的就业
苏州纳米所招聘信息paper help
请推荐Chemistry of Materials编辑2 papers on Progress in Photovoltaics
西南大学洁净能源与先进材料研究院诚招海外英才Paper help thanks!
谁能推荐一点photovoltaic, solar cell方面的书跟review阿。Postdoctoral Position Available
话题: nimte话题: may话题: institute话题: technology话题: ningbo